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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 32 (1962)No. 4. (December), Pages 833-839

Electronic Data Previous HitProcessingNext Hit In Sedimentary Size Analyses

Joe S. Creager, Dean A. McManus, Eugene E. Collias


The use of electronic computers must become a standard technique in the Previous HitprocessingNext Hit of data from sedimentary analysis. The efficiency of electronic data computing increases the number of samples that can be processed, permits the use of a wider variety of statistics, eliminates much of the operator error, and frees the geologist for Previous HitinterpretiveNext Hit work. The system is adaptable to an expanded statistical analysis. The total expense of using the electronic computer is less than that of the hand method, when a large number of samples are run.

A program for use with the IBM 650 magnetic-drum Previous HitprocessingTop system has been written which computes phi values of several percentiles, sand-silt-clay relationships, Trask values, Inman values, and Folk and Ward values. The results from this program are compatible with those obtained using conventional hand methods.

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