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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 33 (1963)No. 1. (March), Pages 173-179

Concepts of Fluid Mechanics Provided by Primary Sedimentary Previous HitStructuresNext Hit

John E. Sanders


Primary sedimentary Previous HitstructuresNext Hit can be used to infer conditions of Previous HitflowNext Hit which prevailed within fluid currents which deposited the sediment. Three particularly important conclusions about fluid Previous HitflowNext Hit conditions can be drawn from primary sedimentary Previous HitstructuresNext Hit: 1) The mechanisms of suspension and traction, as defined by G. K. Gilbert in 1914, are fundamentally different, and can be recognized by the different gross Previous HitstructuresNext Hit which they produce in sediments, and by the different effects which are brought about by the distinctive paths followed by particles which move under the influence of each mechanism; 2) The effects of grain-to-grain encounters in cohesionless sediment, which arise in response to current Previous HitflowNext Hit, can also be recognized in primary sedimentary Previous HitstructuresNext Hit, as can analogous ffects in cohesive sediments; and 3) Mass shearing effects at the fluid-sediment interface may produce deformation in cohesive sediments.

The interpretations of primary sedimentary Previous HitstructuresNext Hit summarized herein suggest new lines of experimental investigation of fluids and sediments, in which attempts should be made to duplicate some of the mass shearing effects which have been recognized in cohesive sediments found in Previous HitnatureTop.

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