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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 45 (1975)No. 1. (March), Pages 105-112

Upper Cretaceous Resedimented Conglomerates at Wheeler Gorge, California: Description and Field Guide

Roger G. Walker


A field Previous HitmapNext Hit and measured stratigraphic sections revise the geology of Wheeler Gorge. There are three layers of conglomerate, each of which passes upward into massive sandstones, classical turbidites, and/or dark mudstones with thin distal turbidites. Clast long axis orientation on conglomerate layers 1 and 3 gives vector means of 282 and 287 degrees respectively. This agrees closely with flutes (285) and grooves (279) on layer 1, and hence gives a paleocurrent direction for layer 3 for the first time.

The conglomerates do not contain as much inverse grading as has previously been suggested, and none of the conglomerates is stratified. Inverse grading was measured in one bed, indicating a continuous upward coarsening of both the smaller and larger clasts in the population. The Wheeler Gorge conglomerates do not fit precisely with the three generalized models of conglomerates recently proposed by Walker, but are closest to the "disorganized-bed" model.

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