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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 49 (1979)No. 4. (December), Pages 1263-1267

Previous HitSandstoneNext Hit Petrology: Upper Jurassic Naknek Formation of the Alaska Peninsula and Coeval Rocks on the Bering Shelf

Hugh Mclean


Forty-two thin sections of the Naknek Formation from seven localities on the Alaska Peninsula have a mean composition of Q37F52L10. Samples from localities between Paulc Bay and the Black Hills, a distance of 500 km, are remarkably uniform in texture, composition, and degree of alteration. The Nakaek is derived from erosion of an Early Jurassic magmatic arc.

The Naknek Formation on the Alaska Peninsula is similar in composition to the Naknek Formation in the Kamishak Bay-Cape Douglas area of lower Cook Inlet and to Upper Jurassic Previous HitsandstoneNext Hit dredged from the continental shelf near the Pribilof Islands. Fossiliferous Upper Jurassic Previous HitsandstoneTop dredged from the Bering continental slope is derived almost exclusively from a volcanic source and is essentially unaltered.

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