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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 57 (1987)No. 5. (September), Pages 863-870

Medano Creek, Colorado, a Model for Upper-Flow-Regime Fluvial Deposition

Richard Langford, Bryan Bracken (2)


Medano Creek in Colorado provides a unique opportunity to study upper-flow-regime deposition. It is a steep, aggrading fluvial system in which antidunes are the dominant bedform. Medano Creek is a straight, single-channel stream where flow is largely confined to a sequence of upstream-migrating topographic steps (pools and riffles), a stable channel geometry. Antidunes and upperflow-regime plane beds are arranged in an organized pattern on the surface of pool and riffle sequences as a response to spatially varied flow conditions. In the creek, antidunes form sedimentary structures consisting of low-Previous HitangleNext Hit backset and foreset beds and subhorizontal laminae grouped into lenses. Laminae in a lens are often subparallel to the lens-bounding surfaces on the downcurrent end and are truncated y the upper bounding surface on the upcurrent end. Upper-flow-regime plane bed and rhomboid ripples produce planar laminae.

Through lateral shifting of the active channel and upstream migration of pools and riffles, Medano Creek produces a facies sequence consisting of alternating 10-40-cm-thick layers of (planar) laminae and low-Previous HitangleTop, cross-stratified, lenticular bedding.

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