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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 57 (1987)No. 5. (September), Pages 893-900

Nonskeletal Peloidal Precipitates in Upper Triassic Reefs, Yukon Territory (Canada)

R. Pamela Reid


Peloidal sediments and crusts form up to 75 percent of framework limestones in Upper Triassic reefs in the Yukon Territory. The peloids are spherical to irregular in shape, 20-250 µm in size, and are commonly surrounded by one or more rims of sparry calcite. The peloidal sediments occur in confined cavities and in open spaces between Previous HitreefTop framebuilders; the peloidal crusts generally coat calcareous sponges and tabulozoans. Internal evidence suggests that the peloids are not detrital grains or fecal pellets, and comparisons with Mg calcite peloids and peloidal crusts in modern environments suggest that they are precipitates, possibly resulting from bacterial activity.

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