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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section A: Sedimentary Petrology and Processes
Vol. 66 (1996)No. 3. (May), Pages 468-473

Possible Microbial Effects on Stable Carbon Isotopes in Hot-spring Travertines

Li Guo (1), Julian Andrews (2), Robert Riding (1), Paul Dennis (2), Quentin Dresser (1)(*)


Recent and older (early Holocene to Pleistocene) hot-spring travertine carbonates from central Italy have two distinctive macrofabrics, crystalline crusts and shrubs. Crystalline crusts are laminated slope deposits that formed abiotically following CO2 degassing from spring water. The formation of shrub travertine--irregular, dendritic precipitates from pool environments--is controversial and has been attributed to both abiotic and microbial processes. Oxygen isotope variation in our travertines can be explained by abiotic processes, mainly CO2 degassing. In contrast, our carbon isotope data cannot be wholly explained by abiotic CO2 degassing invoked in earlier studies. Because photosynthesis is known to preferentially remove 12C, leaving am ient waters enriched in 13C, this fractionation should be recorded in d13C values of microbially influenced travertine. Our shrub carbon isotope values are between 0.5^pmil and 6.0^pmil larger than values for associated abiotic precipitates, and this difference is probably caused by microbial activity. These isotope data support previous visual evidence that some shrub fabrics are microbially influenced.

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