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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Saskatchewan Geological Society
New Ideas on the Classification, Age, Interpretation, and Tectonic History of the Precambrian Shield in Saskatchewan,
Four-Dimensional Mapping of the Flin Flon Belt Through Interdisciplinary NATMAP and LITHOPROBE Studies
S.B. Lucas
Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8
K.E. Ashton
Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines, 2101 Scarth Street, Regina, SK S4P 3V7
E.C. Syme
Manitoba Energy and Mines, 360 - 1395 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 3P2
R.A. Stern and D.J. White
Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8
K.M. Ansdell
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2
J.J. Ryan
Department of Geology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 5 A3
The southeastern Reindeer Zone is marked by a northeast-dipping, crustal-scale stack characterized by three principal elements which were juxtaposed during 1.84 to 1.80 Ga collisional deformation: 1) 3.20 to 2.40 Ga metaplutonic rocks and paragneisses of the 'Sask craton', exposed in the Pelican window; 2) 1.92 to 1.87 Ga juvenile arc and oceanic rocks, 1.88 to 1.84 Ga plutons, 1.87 to 1.85 Ga volcano-sedimentary packages (Schist- Wekusko assemblage), and 1.85 to 1.84 Ga alluvial-fluvial sandstones (Missi Group); and 3) 1.85 to 1.84 Ga marine turbidites (Burntwood Group) and distal fades of the Missi Group sandstones at the highest structural levels (Kisseynew Domain). The middle element in the stack comprises the Flin Flon Belt (now including the Attitti Block and Paleoproterozoic rocks in the Hanson Lake Block) and Glennie Domain (including the Scimitar Complex) and is here termed the Flin Flon-Glennie Complex (FFGC). The previous stratigraphic framework for Flin Flon Belt 'greenstones' (Amisk Group) is insufficient to account for the range in lithological and geochemical associations, Sm/Nd isotopic signatures, and U-Pb zircon ages. As a result, a series of 1.92 to 1.87 Ga arc and ocean floor assemblages have been distinguished. These assemblages are stitched together by crosscutting plutons (1.88 to 1.84 Ga) and some are separated by early high-strain zones, suggesting that they were accreted to form a tectonic collage at 1.88 to 1.87 Ga. Post-accretion plutons and volcanic rocks (1.88 to 1.84 Ga) are attributed to younger successor arc(s) which were imposed on the collage contemporaneously with regional steepening of the early collision-accretion structures. Uplift and erosion, development of a paleosol and deposition of voluminous turbidites (Burntwood Group) and continental sedimentary rocks (Missi Group) occurred ca. 1.85 to 1.84 Ga, coeval with the waning stages of successor arc magmatism. Assembly of the crustal thrust stack occurred in response to collision of the Sask craton with the overriding FFGC. Due to structural interleaving, the boundary between the FFGC and Kisseynew Domain is best described as a structural-stratigraphic transition zone. In contrast, the boundary between the Sask craton and FFGC is a broad ductile shear zone termed the Pelican decollement zone. Initial thrusting was coeval with 1.84 to 1.83 Ga mafic-felsic calc-alkaline magmatism and ongoing continental sedimentation (Missi Group), and continued through peak regional metamorphism at 1.82 to 1.80 Ga. Oblique collision with the Superior craton occurred at about 1.81 Ga and led to post-collisional sinistral transpression of eastern Trans-Hudson Orogen (THO), with wrench faulting and refolding of the thrust stack producing considerable structural relief. The Namew Gneiss Complex, mapped beneath the Phanerozoic cover south of Flin Flon, represents the middle crust of the intraoceanic terrane juxtaposed against the exposed upper crustal levels by post-collisional wrench faulting.
The NATMAP Shield Margin Project represents a multidisciplinary geoscience mapping program focussed on the Flin Flon Belt in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and involving the Manitoba and Saskatchewan geological surveys, the Geological Survey of Canada, and university researchers. Nearing completion, the NATMAP Shield Margin Project has largely met the three fundamental objectives defined at its onset: 1) bedrock and surficial mapping supported by thematic geological, geochronological, and geophysical studies; 2) development of an interpretive map of sub-Phanerozoic geology immediately south of the shield margin; and 3) development of a digital geoscience database housing an extensive set of both existing and new data, including regional compilation maps. As well, the NATMAP project has complemented research associated with the LITHOPROBE Trans-Hudson Orogen (THO) Transect. In general, the NATMAP project has focused on the early tectonic history of the Flin Flon Belt (1.92 to 1.83 Ga), its ore deposits, and its continuation beneath the Phanerozoic cover; whereas, the LITHOPROBE transect has studied the crustal architecture and collisional/post-collisional evolution of the orogen (1.83 to 1.69 Ga). To this end, a new tectonic framework for the southeastern Reindeer Zone of the THO has emerged in recent years through four- dimensional studies (bedrock and subsurface mapping, seismic reflection profiling, and U-Pb geochronology) associated with the NATMAP Shield Margin Project and LITHOPROBE THO Transect.
The Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen (Hoffman, 1989; Lewry and Stauffer, 1990) extends from South Dakota, through the exposed shield in Saskatchewan- Manitoba, across Hudson Bay to northern Quebec. The orogen is part of a greater "Pan-American" Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic system whose evolution involved assembly of dispersed Archean minicontinents and accreted juvenile Paleoproterozoic terranes during the main episode of North American continental assembly (Hoffman, 1989). Time-space relations of lithotectonic elements in the THO and the Pan-American system overall are similar to those in younger orogens formed by subduction/accretion/collision at convergent plate boundaries. In the Saskatchewan-Manitoba segment, four major lithotectonic zones are recognized (Figure 1):
Figure 1 - Map of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, after Hoffman (1988). "W" indicates location of Archean basement windows in the Reindeer Zone; FFB, Flin Flon Belt; GD, Glennie Domain; HLB, Hanson Lake Block; LRD, La Ronge Belt; KD, Kisseynew Domain; RD, Rottenstone Domain; TB, Thompson Belt; TF, Tabbernor Fault Zone; WB, Wathaman-Chipewyan Batholith; and WD, Wollaston Domain. The location of Figure 2 is indicated.
- Churchill-Superior Boundary Zone, a narrow, southeastern, ensialic foreland zone bordering Superior craton, comprising the Thompson belt, Split Lake block, and Fox River belt.
- The internal Reindeer Zone, a 400 km wide collage of Paleoproterozoic (1.92 to 1.83 Ga) arc volcanic rocks, plutons, volcanogenic sediments and younger molasse, divisible into several lithostructural domains. Geochemical and Nd and Pb isotopic data indicate that most of these rocks evolved in an oceanic to transitional, subduction- related arc setting, with increasing influence of Archean crustal components to the northwest. The Flin Flon-Snow Lake Domain, for example, is interpreted as an imbricated thrust wedge carried on a lower detachment zone and overridden by higher grade Kisseynew gneisses (Lewry et al., 1990; Lucas et al., 1994, 1997). The Reindeer Zone overlies Archean basement exposed in structural windows (Lewry et al., 1990); this basement terrane is now termed the 'Sask craton' (Ansdell et al., 1995).
- An Andean-type continental margin magmatic arc, represented by the Wathaman-Chipewyan Batholith emplaced at 1.86 to 1.85 Ga (Meyer et al., 1992).
- A complexly deformed northwestern Hinterland Zone, including the Peter Lake, Wollaston, and Seal River domains, and other parts of the Cree Lake Zone now included in Hearne Province (Hoffinan, 1989; Lewry and Stauffer, 1990).
The Flin Flon Belt is a typical greenstone terrain and was once interpreted to be Archean in age (Harrison, 1951; Stockwell, 1961) based on its lithologic, structural, and metamorphic similarities with greenstone belts in the Superior Province. The belt comprises polydeformed supracrustal and intrusive rocks, bounded to the north by metasedimentary gneisses of the Kisseynew Domain and to the south by flat-lying Paleozoic rocks of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.
Historically, the stratigraphy of the Flin Flon Belt has been divided into two main packages: Amisk Group volcanic rocks and the unconformably overlying Missi Group continental sedimentary rocks (Figure 2; Bruce, 1918; Harrison, 1951). The Flin Flon Belt is now recognized as a collage of distinct tectonostratigraphic assemblages that was assembled prior to the emplacement of voluminous granitoid plutons and regional deformation related to the ca. 1.8 Ga Hudsonian orogeny (Figures 3 and 4). Lucas et al. (1996) termed the tectonic entity between the Sturgeon-weir River and Reed Lake the 'Amisk collage'. Each tectonostratigraphic assemblage is a distinct package of rocks in terms of its stratigraphy, geochemistry, isotopic signature, age, and inferred plate tectonic setting (see below; Lucas et al., 1996). 'Tectonostratigraphic assemblage' is not necessarily equated with 'terrane', nor is it implied that each assemblage is a fragment of a unique plate. The basis for rejecting Amisk Group as the means of describing the 1.92 to 1.87 Ga volcano-plutonic rocks is that they do not form a stratigraphic 'group' in any sense of the word.
Figure 2 - Conventional stratigraphy of the Flin Flon Belt (Bruce, 1918; Harrison, 1951).
Figure 3 - Tectonostratigraphic framework for the NATMAP Shield Margin Project area (Lucas et al., 1997).
Figure 4 - Tectonic assemblage map of the NATMAP Shield Margin Project area, highlighting pre-accretion tectonostratigraphic assemblages and post-accretion (successor arc) plutons, volcano-sedimentary basins, and faults (Bailes and Syme, 1989; Lucas et al., 1993; Syme and Bailes, 1993; Reilly et al., 1994; Syme et al., 1995; Reilly et al., 1995; Lucas et al., 1996; Zwanzig and Schledewitz 1992); B, Birch Lake Assemblage; FMI, Fourmile Island Assemblage; ML, Mystic Lake Assemblage; SB, Sandy Bay Assemblage; SWSZ, Sturgeon-weir Shear Zone; MLTZ, Morton Lake Thrust Zone; F, Flin Flon; and S, Snow Lake.
The 1.92 to 1.87 Ga tectonostratigraphic assemblages have juvenile arc, juvenile ocean floor, ocean plateau/ocean island basalt, and evolved arc affinities (Figure 4; Syme and Bailes, 1993; Stern et al., 1995a, 1995b; David and Syme, 1994; Lucas et al., 1996). Not all of the assemblages are equally endowed with volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS) deposits: all of the mined sulphide deposits in the Flin Flon Belt are associated with the juvenile arc volcanic rocks (Figure 4; Syme and Bailes, 1993). Knowledge of the physical and geochemical characteristics of the assemblages in the collage is thus crucial for effective base metal mineral exploration.
The southeastern Reindeer Zone is marked by a northeast-dipping, crustal-scale stack characterized by three principal elements which were juxtaposed during 1.84 to 1.80 Ga collisional deformation (Figures 3 and 5):
Figure 5 - Three dimensional images of the NATMAP Shield Margin Project area from both the NATMAP drill core mapping project (Leclair et al., 1997) and the LITHOPROBE Trans-Hudson Orogen Transect (Lucas et al., 1994).
- 3.20 to 2.40 Ga metaplutonic rocks and paragneisses of the 'Sask craton', exposed in the Pelican window.
- 1.92 to 1.87 Ga juvenile arc and oceanic rocks, 1.88 to 1.84 Ga plutons, 1.88 to 1.85 Ga volcano- sedimentary packages, and 1.85 to 1.84 Ga alluvial-fluvial sandstones (Missi Group). This middle element in the stack comprises the Flin Flon Belt (now defined to include the Attitti Block and Paleoproterozoic rocks in the Hanson Lake Block) and Glennie Domain; the entire entity is termed the Flin Flon-Glennie Complex (FFGC; Lucas et al., 1997).
- 1.85 to 1.84 Ga marine turbidites (Burntwood Group) and coeval distal facies of the Missi Group sandstones and continental volcanic rocks (Machado and Zwanzig, 1995) at the highest structural levels (Kisseynew Domain and eastern Flin Flon Belt). Some of these syn-collisional rocks accumulated in local basins (arc-related; Zwanzig, 1996 or foreland basins; Connors et al., 1999; Ansdell et al., 1999) coeval with emplacement of felsic to mafic plutons at 1840 to 1830 Ma (Gordon et al., 1990; David et al., 1996).
1.92 to 1.87 Ga Arc Assemblages
The 1.9 Ga juvenile arc assemblages in the Flin Flon Belt (Figure 4) comprise arc-related volcanic, volcaniclastic, and intrusive rocks, as well as subordinate turbidites and arc-rift basalts (Bailes and Syme, 1989; Syme and Bailes, 1993; Stern et al., 1995a; Lucas et al., 1996). The arc assemblages are bimodal, dominantly basalt/basaltic andesite and rhyolite/dacite; intermediate compositions are rare. Tholeiitic arc suites tend to be older (1.90 to 1.89 Ga) than calc-alkaline (1.89 to 1.88 Ga) and shoshonitic (1885 Ma) suites; boninites (>1892 Ma) occur only in the Snow Lake arc assemblage (cf. Table 1; Stem et al., 1993, 1995a; David et al., 1996). The Flin Flon Belt contains six geographically separate juvenile arc assemblages, each of which is 20 to 50 km across (Hanson Lake, West Amisk, Birch, Flin Flon, Fourmile Island, and Snow Lake assemblages) and separated by major faults or intervening ocean floor rocks, Burntwood Group turbidites, and/or plutons (Figure 4). The arc assemblages are internally complex, comprising numerous fault-bounded and folded volcanic suites (e.g. Bailes and Syme, 1989), rendering correlation of volcanic stratigraphy within and between the assemblages nearly impossible. It is unclear whether the segments represent the fragmented parts of a formerly single arc, or were generated in completely different arcs (e.g. Syme et al., 1995; Lucas et al., 1996).
Table 1 - Selected U-Pb geochronological information for the NATMAP Shield Margin Project area (* denotes approximate location).
The Flin Flon arc assemblage contains mostly basalt and basaltic andesite flows which belong to tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, alkaline (shoshonitic), and arc-rift (MORB-like) geochemical series (Stern et al., 1995a, b). Tholeiitic volcanic rocks and related intrusions have ages between 1904 and 1881 Ma, whereas calc- alkaline and shoshonitic rocks are bracketed in age at 1886 to 1885 Ma (Gordon et al., 1990; Stern et al., 1993). Locally, the calc-alkaline rocks are stratigraphically associated with terrigenous turbidites, ocean-floor basalts, and turbidites derived solely from shoshonitic volcano(es) (Bailes and Syme, 1989; Stern et al., 1995a). These sequences are attributed to episodes of arc rifting and the development of intra-arc basins (Lucas et al., 1996; Syme et al., in prep.). The majority of arc rocks contain primary structures indicating that they were deposited in a subaqueous environment, but there is clear morphologic evidence (e.g. presence of bubble wall shards, pumice) that resedimented pyroclastic rocks may have been erupted in a very shallow marine or subaerial setting, principally in the younger calc-alkaline and alkaline (shoshonitic) sequences (Bailes and Syme, 1989; Syme and Bailes, 1993). Synvolcanic intrusions form a calcic gabbro-diorite-quartz diorite-tonalite series (Whalen et al., in press) and occur as high-level, discrete sills, dykes, and plutons (Bailes and Syme, 1989) such as the 1886 Ma Cliff Lake pluton (Stern, pers. comm., 1996). Stratigraphic sequences are complex and typically display a wide variety of rock types with interfingering relationships, lenticular units, and abrupt facies variations.
The 1892 Ma (David et al., 1996) Snow Lake arc assemblage is similar to the Flin Flon segment except for more extensive hydrothermal alteration, a higher proportion of volcaniclastic rocks, and higher metamorphic grade (Bailes and Galley, 1996). Much of the Snow Lake assemblage is well preserved despite polyphase deformation and regional metamorphism from middle greenschist to middle amphibolite facies. The arc volcanic rocks were deposited under subaqueous conditions and, like the Flin Flon assemblage, the sequence also includes some material derived from shallow marine to subaerial pyroclastic deposits. The >6 km thick juvenile oceanic arc sequence at Snow Lake records in its stratigraphy and geochemistry (Bailes and Galley, 1996) a temporal evolution from a relatively more primitive to an evolved arc. Associated shallow syn-volcanic, multiphase tonalite intrusions have been clearly documented in the Snow Lake arc assemblage (1886 Ma Sneath Lake pluton, 1889 Ma Richards Lake pluton; cf. Bailes and Galley, 1996). Large-scale, high- temperature alteration zones have been mapped out in the stratigraphic footwall to the Snow Lake VMS deposits (Bailes and Galley, 1996), and define fluid pathways associated with synvolcanic hydrothermal systems.
Volcanic rocks of the 5.5 km thick Fourmile Island assemblage occur on western Reed Lake (Syme et al., 1995). They are separated from the Reed Lake mafic- ultramafic complex to the west by a wide zone of heterogeneous tectonite and sheet-like bodies of felsic- intermediate intrusive rocks, and are bounded on the east by a fault-bound slice of Burntwood Group turbidites. The Fourmile Island assemblage ranges from basaltic andesite to rhyolite in composition, and has trace element characteristics similar to arc rocks elsewhere in the Flin Flon Belt (Syme and Bailes, 1996).
Volcanic rocks in the West Amisk arc segment consist predominantly of andesitic tuffs and flows, dacitic and rhyolitic tuffs, terrigenous turbidites, and subordinate basaltic flows (Reilly et al., 1994, 1995). A high-level, mafic to felsic volcanic complex interpreted as an emergent volcano is also present in this segment. The West Amisk assemblage stratigraphy is marked by a lower tholeiitic sequence, including the emergent volcano, overlain by greywacke turbidites (ca. 1.887 Ga; Heaman et al., 1993), which interfinger with shallow water felsic complexes (1.888 to 1.887 Ga; Heaman et al., 1992, 1993), which are in turn overlain by andesitic flows and volcaniclastics (1.882 Ga; Stern and Lucas, 1994, 1995). The stratigraphy is attributed to an episode of arc rifting and the development of an intra-arc basin prior to the resumption of arc magmatism (Lucas et al., 1996; Syme et al., in press).
The Birch Lake assemblage (Reilly et al., 1994, 1995), host to the Konuto, Flexar, Birch, and Coronation VMS deposits, is probably a tectonic slice of either the Flin Flon or West Amisk assemblage. The Hanson Lake assemblage ('block') represents a juvenile arc assemblage (Maxeiner and Sibbald, 1995; Maxeiner et al., 1995, 1996, 1999; Slimmon, 1995) that is dominated by tholeiitic to calc-alkaline volcanic rocks (1.875 Ga rhyolite; Heaman et al., 1993) and intruded by 1.87 to 1.84 Ga calc-alkaline plutons (Heaman et al., 1993, 1994).
The Flin Flon and Snow Lake arc assemblages have similar distributions of rock types according to silica content (Stern et al., 1995a). Together they comprise 28 percent basalt (<52 percent Si02), 63 percent basaltic andesite (52 to 57 percent SiO2), 2 percent andesite (57 to 63 percent SiO2), and 7 percent dacite to rhyolite (>63 percent SiO2). The dominance of basaltic andesite and basalt in these segments contrasts with the apparently greater abundance of andesite and rhyolite in the West Amisk segment (Walker and Watters, 1982). The juvenile arc tholeiitic rocks are similar to modern island arc tholeiites, having low high-field-strength element (HFSE) and rare earth element (REE) abundances relative to MORB, and chondrite-normalized light REE depletion to slight enrichment (Stern et al., 1995a). The calc-alkaline andesite-rhyolite and rare shoshonite are more strongly LREE-enriched and have comparatively higher HFSE abundances. These calc-alkaline and alkaline series rocks have trace element signatures (high Th/Nb, La/Nb) that are almost identical to those forming in modern intra-oceanic arcs (Stern et al., 1995a).
Nd-isotopic (Figure 6) and trace element data indicate that the Flin Flon assemblage arc volcanic and plutonic rocks are predominantly juvenile (i.e. positive initial εNd values of +2 to +5, similar to the contemporaneous depleted mantle; Stern et al., 1995a, 1995b) and show only limited contributions from older crustal sources. Stern et al. (1995a) suggested that the contributions from older crustal sources were best explained by recycling of small amounts (<10 percent) of Archean and/or older Proterozoic crust via sediment subduction or possibly intracrustal contamination. This is supported by U-Pb geochronological study of detrital zircons in greywackes associated with arc-rift basins that principally contain 1.92 to 1.887 Ga zircons, interpreted as associated with arc volcanism, but also zircons at ca. 2.5 Ga (Table 1; Heaman et al., 1994; Ansdell, pers. comm., 1997). Although the juvenile oceanic rocks at Snow Lake are similar in age to the ca 1.90 to 1.88 Ga, VMS-hosting, juvenile oceanic arc rocks at Flin Flon, they display distinctly lower εNd values (-0.4 to +3) than Flin Flon equivalents (+3 to +4.8) and likely evolved as an independent system (Stern et al., 1993, 1995a). The Snow Lake arc assemblage also contains direct evidence for interaction of juvenile arc magmas with older crustal materials in xenocrystic zircons of 2.65 to 2.82 Ga in an 1892 Ma rhyolitic breccia unit (David et al., 1996). Evidence for older crustal contamination in stratigraphically overlying geochemically 'evolved arc' basaltic andesite (cf. Bailes and Galley, 1996) is indicated in initial εNd values of-0.4 to +2.4 (contemporaneous depleted mantle is +3 to +5; Stern et al., 1995a, 1995b).
Figure 6 - Plot of εNd vs. time for units from the Flin Flon Belt. Nd-isotopic data from Stern et al., (1992, 1993, 1995a, 1995b, unpubl. data) and Whalen et al., (in press).
1.90 Ga Ocean Floor Assemblages
The juvenile ocean-floor assemblages in the Flin Flon Belt are composed of MORB-like basalts and related kilometre-scale layered mafic-ultramafic plutonic complexes (Figure 4; Syme and Bailes, 1993; Stern et al., 1995b). These two principle elements are always tectonically juxtaposed or separated by younger intrusions (Syme, 1995). Stern et al. (1995b) suggest there are sufficient lithologic and geochemical grounds to consider the largest domain of ocean-floor rocks (Elbow-Athapapuskow assemblage, Figure 4) as a stratigraphically fragmented back-arc ophiolite despite the apparent absence of sheeted dyke complexes or harzburgite tectonite. U-Pb zircon ages (Table 1) for synvolcanic hypabyssal sills within basalts (1904 ±4 Ma) and gabbro pegmatites in the cumulate complexes (1901 +6/-5 Ma; Stern et al., 1995b) clearly indicate that ocean-floor magmatism was coeval with tholeiitic arc volcanism at Flin Flon (1903 +9/-4 Ma; Machado and David, 1992).
Ocean-floor volcanic sequences comprise thick units of pillowed and massive basalt (Syme, 1995) that were emplaced in a setting far removed from coeval arcs or Archean continents (Stern et al., 1995b). Interbedded arc-derived volcaniclastic rocks or sediments are absent, and the infrequent fragmental units that do occur include basaltic flow-top breccias and reworked hyaloclastite. Synvolcanic diabasic dykes and sills are common and locally abundant (Syme, 1995), while on the contrary there are few if any felsic volcanic or hypabyssal rocks within the basaltic sequences. The basalts are mapped as laterally coherent 'formations', 4 to >60 km in strike length with stratigraphic thickness of 0.3 to 3.0 km, each having characteristic weathering colour, flow morphology, alteration assemblage, and geochemistry (Syme, 1995; Stern et al., 1995b; Syme and Bailes, 1996). Mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks in the ocean floor assemblages occur in kilometre-scale sequences that are either bounded by faults or intruded by plutons, masking primary stratigraphic relations with the ocean floor basalts. The best-exposed sequence comprises:
- an older layered series predominantly composed of gabbro and lesser pyroxenite, peridotite, and anorthosite, with layering on a decimetre to metre scale; and
- a younger, isotropic to wispy layered fine- to medium-grained gabbro with locally abundant pegmatitic gabbro veins.
Ocean floor assemblage basalts are exclusively tholeiitic, with MgO contents typical of modern MORBs, falling mostly in the range 6 to 10 wt %. They can be readily distinguished from the arc rocks by their higher Ti and Zr contents at given MgO (Stern et al., 1995b) and lower Th/Nb ratios. Stern et al. (1995b) subdivided basalts of the Elbow- Athapapuskow assemblage into N- and E-types. N-type basalts resemble modern N-MORBs and Mariana-type back-arc basin basalts (BABB), having depleted to flat REE patterns, high Zr/Nb, variable Th/Nb, and initial εNd=+3.3 to +5.4 (Figure 6; Stern et al., 1995b). The ocean-floor basalts with high Th/Nb are thought to be derived, in part, from metasomatized arc mantle similar to that which produced the arc basalts (Stern et al., 1995b). The E-type basalts resemble modern transitional and plume MORBs (Stern et al., 1995b), with slightly enriched REE, lower Zr/Nb, and initial εNd=+3.1 to +4.5 values (Figure 6). The variation in initial εNd compositions (+3 to +5 at 1900 Ma) is attributed to mixing of depleted and enriched MORB- like mantle sources and not to contamination by older crust.
Ocean Plateau/Ocean Island Basalt Assemblages
The Sandy Bay assemblage (Figure 4) is a ca. 3 km thick, monotonous sequence of subaqueous basalt flows and syn-volcanic sills of unknown age (Reilly et al., 1994; Slimmon, 1995). The Sandy Bay basalts are uniformly tholeiitic (Stern et al., 1995b) and plot in the E-MORB/tholeiitic ocean island basalt (OIB) field on a Zr-Th-Nb diagram. However, the basalts are geochemically distinct from those of the arc and ocean floor assemblages (Stern et al., 1995b). Their trace element characteristics include strong enrichment in HFSE (Nb, Zr, Ti), light REE enrichment ([La/Yb]n = 1.3 to 4.5), high Ti/V, and low Zr/Nb (Stern et al., 1995b). An important feature of these basalts is their fractionated heavy REEs, which suggests the involvement of residual garnet during melting (Stern et al., 1995b; Watters et al., 1994) and contrasts with the other basalt types (arc, ocean floor). Two samples of Sandy Bay basalt that bracket the sequence's trace element compositional range yielded identical initial εNd values of +4.5 (Figure 6; Stern et al., 1995b). Stem et al. (1995b) proposed an ocean plateau or OIB origin for the basalts on the basis of their physical and geochemical characteristics coupled with their juvenile Nd-isotopic signature and absence of crustal contamination.
An isolated occurrence of conglomerates consisting principally of basaltic detritus has been mapped in contact (unconformable?) with arc assemblage rocks ('OIB assemblage', Figure 4; Syme, 1991). The basaltic clasts are scoriaceous to strongly amygdaloidal, commonly display vesicle banding, and preserve ropy or crenulated internal contacts in some clasts. These features are consistent with subaerial eruption of the basalts, although conglomeratic turbidite bedforms suggest that the conglomerates were deposited subaqueously. Most of the samples of this unit are subalkaline, but they span the MacDonald and Katsura (1964) tholeiite/alkali basalt dividing line. The OIBs have high MgO and low Al2O3 contents (9.5 to 13.5 wt %), modest overall LREE enrichment [(La/Yb)ch=2.4 to 3.6], with concave-downward LREE profiles (e.g. (La/Nd)ch<1), and HREE that are strongly fractionated (e.g. (Gd/Yb)ch= 2.3 to 2.6). Stern et al. (1995b) concluded that the geochemical characteristics of these rocks are similar to tholeiitic OIBs (e.g. Hawaii). Initial sNd values (at 1.90 Ga) for three samples range from +2.2 to +3.4 (Figure 6), which coupled with primitive Th/Nb ratios (<0.1), characterize a ca. 1.90 Ga enriched mantle source. Stern et al. (1995b) speculated that the OIBs may be derived from Fiji-like, post-subduction hot-spot magmatism.
Isotopically Evolved Proterozoic and Archean Rocks
Archean crustal fragments represent a minor but important component in the FFGC, comprising <<1 percent by area. There is no evidence of significant Archean crust at depth at the time of its formation (i.e. 1.88 to 1.87 Ga; Stern and Lucas, 1994). Granitoid rocks, dated at 2497 and 2518 Ma (David and Syme, 1994) and with an average initial εNd composition of -6.9 (Stern et al., 1995a), occur as fault-bound lozenges (10 to 100 m wide by 100s of metres long) within the Northeast Arm shear zone (Lucas et al., 1996). The Archean rocks are intruded by mafic dykes that may be related to a sequence of tholeiitic (arc-rift?) basalts with relatively evolved initial εNd compositions (-1 to +2 at 1900 Ma; cf. Stern et al., 1995b) found immediately east of the shear zone (Scotty Lake section; Bailes and Syme, 1989).
The Flin Flon Belt also contains an isotopically evolved arc sliver (Mystic Lake assemblage, Figure 4) that contains 1920 to 1903 Ma calc-alkaline orthogneiss units (Table 1; Heaman et al., 1992, 1993; Stern and Lucas, 1994) with initial εNd values of -3.1 to -6.1 (Figure 6) and evidence for xenocrystic Archean zircons (2.56 to 2.67 Ma; Stern et al., 1992, 1993; Stern and Lucas, 1994). The Mystic Lake assemblage comprises massive to layered, amphibolite-grade tonalite, granodiorite, and diorite (Reilly et al., 1994; Syme, 1991) marked by LREE enrichment and elevated Th/Nb ratios (Stern, unpubl. data). Coupled with the evidence for xenocrystic zircons, these results suggest that Archean basement was involved in the generation of these plutonic rocks (Stern, unpubl. data). Lucas et al., (1996) suggested that the Mystic Lake evolved arc assemblage represents a tectonic slice of the middle crust of an arc built on Archean crust, possibly a microcontinental fragment.
In a broader context, the Flin Flon 'arc' and adjacent(?) Elbow-Athapapuskow back-arc system probably occurred in a peri-continental setting, with rifted fragments of continental crust locally forming the basement to arcs (e.g. Mystic Lake assemblage) and available for incorporation in the accretionary collage at ca. 1880 Ma (cf. Lucas et al., 1996). The 2.5 Ga signature of the older crust may be related to the 'Sask craton' (Ansdell et al, 1995), an Archean block that has a characteristic 2.45 to 2.50 Ga signature as well as older ages (to >3.2 Ga, Table 1; Heaman et al., 1995; Chiarenzelli et al., 1996).
D1: Accretion Tectonics
Juxtaposition of the arc, oceanic, and older crustal assemblages in an accretionary collage (Amisk collage of Lucas et al., 1996) occurred between about 1.88 and 1.87 Ga. This initial deformation event (D1; Table 2) occurred at least 50 Ma before the start of orogen-scale collisional deformation at about 1840 to 1830 Ma. Major shear zones separate distinct tectonostratigraphic assemblages, and are stitched by 1.88 to 1.84 Ga plutons (Figure 4; Lucas et al., 1996; Ansdell and Ryan, 1997; Ryan and Williams, 1996, 1999). The D1 accretionary collage may have included the Flin Flon Belt (now considered to include the Attitti Block and Paleoproterozoic rocks in the Hanson Lake Block), Snow Lake assemblage, and Glennie Domain (including the Scimitar Complex).
Table 2 - Deformation episodes in the NATMAP Shield Margin Project area.
D2: Post-Accretion Magmatism, Sedimentation, and Deformation
Post-accretion plutons and volcanic rocks (1.88 to 1.84 Ga; Figure 4, Table 1) are attributed to younger, post-accretion ('successor') arc(s) imposed on the D1 collage. These developed contemporaneously with regional steepening of the early collision-accretion structures (D2, Table 2; Lucas et al., 1996; Ryan and Williams, 1996, 1999). The intrusive rocks comprise hornblende-bearing, medium-K calc-alkaline diorite- tonalite-granodiorite plutons, with lesser high-K gabbro-monzodiorite-granite (Ansdell and Kyser, 1992; Whalen et al., 1999). The plutons can show significant internal compositional variation and zoning. Their trace element geochemistry shows a typical arc signature, with HFSE and light REE enrichment (Whalen et al., 1999).
The 1.88 to 1.85 Ga supracrustal rocks associated with the post-accretion arc are termed the Schist-Wekusko assemblage and the 1.845 Ga Missi Group (Figure 4). The Schist-Wekusko assemblage includes (Table 1) 1.869 Ga (David, pers. comm., 1995) rhyolitic tuffs and associated marine greywackes (Scheiders Bay sequence, Athapapuskow Lake; Syme, 1988), the 1.876 Ga McCafferty Liftover sequence (Ansdell et al., 1999), the 1.858 Ga Schist Lake trachyandesite conglomerate-sandstone sequence (Syme, 1988), and the 1.856 Ga east Wekusko rhyolite (Ansdell et al., 1999).
Uplift and erosion, development of a paleosol, and deposition of voluminous turbidites (Burntwood Group) and continental sedimentary rocks (Missi Group) occurred ca. 1.85 to 1.84 Ga, coeval with the waning stages of post-accretion arc magmatism (Ansdell et al., 1995; Machado and Zwanzig, 1995; David etal., 1996). The Missi Group deposits are characterized by >2 km thick packages of sandstone and conglomerate deposited in alluvial and fluvial environments (Bailes and Syme, 1989; Syme, 1988; Stauffer, 1990). U-Pb analysis of detrital zircon populations in the sandstones (youngest zircon is 1846 to 1847 Ma; Ansdell et al., 1992; Ansdell, 1993) and cross-cutting intrusions (1842 Ma; Heaman et al., 1992) have bracketed sedimentation to -1845 Ma in the central Flin Flon Belt (Table 1). Detrital zircon ages in the Missi Group document erosion of FFGC sources (1.92 to 1.85 Ga) as well as older (2.2 to 2.6 Ga) crustal sources (Ansdell et al., 1992; Ansdell, 1993).
The distribution of tectonostratigraphic units in the Kisseynew Domain is broadly symmetric (Figure 1). The core of the Kisseynew Domain is dominated by paragneisses and migmatites that are the metamorphosed equivalents of turbidites preserved in the adjacent lower grade domains (Bailes, 1980). The minimum stratigraphic thickness for the turbidites is probably on the order of kilometres. The Kisseynew Domain flanks comprise three units (Figure 4; Zwanzig, 1990, 1995):
- volcanic and plutonic rocks of the bounding juvenile terranes (e.g. Flin Flon Belt);
- gneiss and schist derived from Burntwood Group turbidites, which locally include amphibolitic units (mafic flows and sills); and
- quartzofeldspathic gneiss, interpreted as the metamorphic equivalent of Missi Group fluvial- deltaic sandstones, interbedded with rare felsic to mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks.
The sedimentological, stratigraphic (Zwanzig, 1990, 1995), and geochronological (David et al., 1996) constraints on the age and origin of the Kisseynew Domain turbidites suggest that they were deposited in less than 10 to 15 Ma (i.e. 1.85 to 1.84 Ga; Table 1, David et al., 1996) in submarine fans fed by braided river systems draining from adjacent mountain range(s) and active arc(s). U-Pb ages for calc-alkaline to alkaline intrusions in the FFGC (Table 1) and La Ronge-Lynn Lake Belt (Bickford et al., 1990; Heaman et al., 1992; Stern and Lucas, 1994) overlap the age of Burntwood Group sedimentation, suggesting that arc magmatism was sustained during Kisseynew basin sedimentation (Lucas et al., 1996) and providing an explanation for the abundance of immature, volcanic- derived detritus in the turbidites (Bailes, 1980). A back-arc (Mediterranean-style) basin setting has been proposed to explain 1.85 to 1.84 Ga sedimentation, magmatism, deformation, and metamorphism associated with the Kisseynew Domain (Ansdell et al., 1995; Zwanzig, 1996).
D3: Collision Tectonics
Assembly of the crustal thrust stack in southeastern Reindeer Zone (D3; Table 2, Figures 3 and 5) is interpreted to have occurred in response to collision of the Sask craton with the overriding FFGC (D3, Table 2; Lewry et al., 1994, 1996). Due to structural interleaving, the boundary between the FFGC and Kisseynew Domain is best described as a structural- stratigraphic transition zone. In contrast, the boundary between the Sask craton and FFGC is a broad ductile shear zone termed the Pelican decollement zone (Ashton et al., 1999).
Two characteristics mark the history of terminal collision in THO: widespread felsic to mafic magmatism at 1.84 to 1.83 Ga (Table 1), followed by a complete cessation of magmatism by 1.825 Ga (except for anatectic crustal melts). Scattered occurrences of felsic to mafic, generally calc-alkaline, 1.84 to 1.83 Ga volcanic rocks and plutons together form a broad magmatic belt along much of the south flank and core of die Kisseynew Domain as well as within the Glennie Domain and La Ronge belt (Bickford et al., 1990; Gordon etal., 1990; Ansdell and Norman, 1995; Ansdell etal, 1999). Although the 1.84 to 1.83 Ga magmatism has been interpreted to reflect terminal subduction of oceanic crust during closure of the 'Kisseynew basin' (Ansdell et al., 1995), it extends from the Superior margin across most Reindeer Zone terranes and well into the Hearne Province.
Initial thrusting was coeval with the 1.84 to 1.83 Ga mafic-felsic calc-alkaline magmatism and ongoing continental sedimentation (Missi Group; Connors et al., 1999). Southwest-directed thrusting and folding in the Kisseynew Domain (Zwanzig and Schledewitz, 1992) and along the upper and lower boundaries of the FFGC continued through peak regional metamorphism at 1.82 to 1.79 Ga (Gordon et al., 1990; Ansdell and Norman, 1995; Parent et al., 1995; David et al., 1996). Metamorphic grade ranges from sub-greenschist facies south of the Flin Flon area (Digel and Gordon, 1995) to greenschist-amphibolite grade in the Snow Lake area (Kraus and Menard, 1997; Menard and Gordon, 1997) to upper amphibolite facies in the Kisseynew Domain and Pelican decollement area (Gordon, 1989; Gordon et al., 1990; Norman et al., 1995; Menard and Gordon, 1997; Ashton et al., 1999).
D4 and D5: Post-Collisional Tectonics
Oblique collision with Superior craton occurred at about 1.81 Ga (D4, Table 2) and led to post-collisional sinistral transpression of eastern THO (Bleeker, 1990), with wrench faulting and refolding of the thrust stack producing considerable structural relief (Figure 5; Lewry et al., 1990). Continued convergence of Superior craton resulted in phases of upright north- south- and later northeast-southwest-trending folds throughout the Reindeer Zone internides (D5, Table 2). Intrusion of late- to post-tectonic leucogranites and pegmatites (ca.1.78 Ga, Table 1; Bickford etal., 1990), generated in significant part by melting of the underthrust Sask craton basement (Figure 6; Bickford et al., 1992), was followed by post-collisional uplift, cooling and progressive isotopic closure (e.g. Ar-Ar) by ~1.7 Ga (Fedorowich et al., 1995). Orogen-parallel upper crustal escape tectonics may have occurred above lower crustal detachments (Hajnal et al., 1996), related either to collisional indentation by Superior craton or possibly to rotation of Hearne province. The Namew Gneiss Complex, mapped beneath the Phanerozoic cover south of Flin Flon (Figure 7; Leclair et al., 1997), is interpreted to represent the middle crust of the FFGC juxtaposed against the exposed upper crustal levels by D4-D5 wrench faulting.
Figure 7 - Top: Composite potential field image generated from gridded aeromagnetic and gravity data (Leclair et al., 1997). The grey-tone shaded-relief was generated by simulated illumination of the aeromagnetic data from the southeast at an inclination of 40° from horizontal. The magenta/cyan hue of the image is indicative of high/low intensity in the Bouguer gravity field. In general, high magnetic relief coincides with positive gravity anomalies (e.g. A and B), and low magnetic relief with negative gravity anomalies (e.g. C, D, and E). Solid line indicates the trace of the Precambrian-Phanerozoic contact (shield margin).
Bottom: Major lithotectonic domains and regional tectonic framework of the exposed and buried Flin Flon Belt (Leclair et al., 1997). The Hanson Lake Block, eastern Glennie Domain, Tabbernor Fault Zone, Kisseynew Domain, and the West Amisk, Elbow-Athapap and Snow Lake assemblages extend southward into the subsurface. Abbreviations are: BCF, Berry Creek Fault; CBF, Crowduck Bay Fault; ELSZ, Elbow Lake Shear Zone; NLS, Namew Lake Structure; SASZ, South Athapapuskow Shear Zone; SLF, Suggi Lake Fault; SRSZ, Spruce Rapids Shear Zone; and SWSZ, Sturgeon-weir Shear Zone.
The northern edge of Phanerozoic platformal rocks of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin overlies the Flin Flon Belt (Trans-Hudson Orogen) in Manitoba and Saskatchewan (Figure 1). A program of regional mapping of the Phanerozoic-covered basement was undertaken as part of the NATMAP Shield Margin Project (Leclair et al., 1997). In order to map the covered Precambrian rocks in this area, high-resolution geophysical data from detailed aeromagnetic and gravity surveys (Figure 7) were integrated with an extensive geological data set derived from study of basement drill core. The potential field data served to identify basement domains of distinct physical properties and to establish continuity between these domains and tectonic elements in the exposed shield. The drill core database provided 'ground truth' constraints for the interpretation of aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies.
The integration of the geological and geophysical datasets, combined with petrographic, U-Pb geochronological, and geochemical data, led to the recognition of distinct lithotectonic domains in the sub- Phanerozoic basement (Figure 7; Leclair et al., 1997). Key elements of the exposed Flin Flon Belt, such as the 1.92 to 1.88 Ga Snow Lake, Elbow-Athapapuskow, and West Amisk assemblages, have been extended southward into the subsurface on the basis of northerly trending positive gravity and aeromagnetic anomalies. An upper amphibolite facies orthogneiss package (Namew Gneiss Complex), containing calc-alkaline intrusive rocks ranging in age from 1.88 to 1.83 Ga and screens derived from the older volcano-sedimentary rocks, is interpreted as the middle crust of the 1.88 to 1.84 Ga post-accretion arc exposed in the Flin Flon Belt (Leclair et al., 1997). Discordant intrusive complexes, such as the 1.830 Ga Cormorant Batholith, are centred on magnetic-gravity lows and truncate the structural trend of adjacent lithotectonic domains. Correlation of Flin Flon Belt geology with that beneath the Phanerozoic cover shows that its constituent lithotectonic elements have north-south strikes of up to 150 km (Figure 7), and form a predominantly east- dipping crustal section, consistent with LITHOPROBE seismic reflection profiles (Figure 5; Leclair et al., 1997). The Namew Gneiss Complex forms the structurally deepest part of the east-dipping crustal section imaged along LITHOPROBE line 3 (Figure 5; Lucas et al., 1994; White et al., 1994; Leclair et al., 1997).
The Flin Flon Belt is one of the largest Proterozoic VMS districts in the world, in which more than 118.7 million tonnes of sulphide has already been mined from 25 deposits, with a further 36.6 Mt contained in 20 subeconomic deposits (Syme and Bailes, 1993). It has long been obvious that the deposits are not evenly distributed throughout the belt. Most deposits are clustered where the towns of Flin Flon and Snow Lake have developed (Figure 4), but any geological underlying control for this distribution was previously unknown. Recent work has fundamentally altered earlier perceptions of the evolution of the Flin Flon Belt and the setting of VMS deposits in it, indicating that economic deposits are only found in juvenile arc rocks (Syme and Bailes, 1993). It is important to note that the large-scale tectonic interleaving and juxtaposition we observe between assemblages are reproduced at a more detailed (camp) scale. For example, within a 20 km radius of Flin Flon, 14 VMS deposits occur in a number of tectonically juxtaposed arc slivers, separated by major accretion-related shear zones, slivers of ocean-floor basalts, and slivers of successor basin sedimentary deposits. As a result, VMS-hosting stratigraphic sequences usually cannot be correlated between deposits. Detailed mapping and geochemical and geochronological studies are required to define the various tectonostratigraphic components and their bounding structures.
VMS deposits at Flin Flon occur in both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline arc assemblage suites (Figure 4), stratigraphically related to rhyolite, and associated with intra-arc basins. The basinal setting of many of the deposits points to arc extension and rifting as an important ingredient in deposit formation. As a group, VMS deposits in the Flin Flon Belt:
- occur in tholeiitic and calc-alkaline suites dominated by basalt and basaltic andesite,
- are stratigraphically associated with isotopically primitive (positive initial εNd) rhyolite, commonly the most primitive rock in the sequence,
- occur at major stratigraphic and compositional 'breaks', recognized by contrasting major element, trace element and isotopic characteristics of the underlying and overlying mafic rocks,
- are commonly underlain by volcaniclastic rocks, and
- commonly have discordant footwall chloritic alteration zones (Syme and Bailes, 1993).
VMS deposits at Snow Lake can be subdivided into Cu-rich, Zn- rich, and Cu-Zn-Au types. Cu- rich deposits, mainly at Anderson and Stall lakes, occur in a flow- dominated, bimodal (basalt- rhyolite) sequence dominated by primitive arc tholeiite. Zn-rich types (e.g. Chisel Lake) occur in a volcaniclastic-dominated, relatively more evolved sequence. A recently discovered Au-rich Cu-Zn deposit at Photo Lake (Bailes and Simms, 1994) also occurs in the more evolved arc sequence but within a rhyolite- dominated section. As at Flin Flon, stratigraphic and geochemical evidence suggests that VMS deposition occurred during a period of arc extension and rifting and is associated with the most primitive initial εNd values in the associated stratigraphic sequences (Stern et al., 1992; Syme et al., in press).
Gold mineralization in the NATMAP Shield Margin area (Figure 4) can be divided into two main types. The most common type consists of quartz-vein deposits intimately associated with brittle-ductile D3-D4 shear zones (e.g. New Britannia, Herb Lake camp, Tartan Lake, Rio; Galley et al., 1986, 1989; Fedorowich et al., 1991; Ansdell and Kyser, 1992). Textural relationships in quartz-carbonate-albite-chlorite-muscovite-pyrite-arsenopyrite alteration envelopes and Ar-Ar data indicate that mineralization occurred after peak regional metamorphism at about 1790 to 1760 Ma. The only example of earlier epigenetic gold mineralization is the Laural Lake Au- Ag deposit (Ansdell and Kyser, 1991), which consists of quartz-muscovite-carbonate-pyrite-galena- sphalerite-tennantite-electrum veins surrounded by a zone of K-metasomatism and hosted by 1887 Ma felsic volcanic rocks. This deposit pre-dates regional metamorphism and deformation, and may have been similar to Au-bearing volcanic-assbciated epithermal-exhalative systems.
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