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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society Volume II, 1975
Pages 169-175

The New Breed*

Merril W. Haas


Meeting the challenge of future energy needs will require a new breed of explorers who have a broad scientific back ground and the ability to integrate a wide variety of geological, geophysical, and geochemical Previous HitdataNext Hit. Although specialists will continue to be needed in each of these fields, there will be an increasingly greater need for geologists who can interpret geophysical Previous HitdataNext Hit; and for geophysicists who have a thorough understanding of the geological significance of geophysical Previous HitdataNext Hit.

The integration of geophysics and geology has been made inevitable by the exponential rate of progress in exploration technology. In recent years, spectacular advances have taken place, for example, in (1) digital recording, computer processing, and improved interpretation of seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit; (2) more sophisticated subsurface geological tools and concepts; and (3) computer storage, retrieval, plotting and Previous HitmappingTop of exploration.

Looking to the future we can expect exploration technology to continue its dramatic evolution. These coming advances in knowledge and methodology make it imperative that industry, academia, and the professional societies work together to develop the “Explorationists” of the future - the new breed of oil finders - a blend of geologist and geophysicist.

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