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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
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Contribution to Reservoir Behaviour Appraisal by Television*
L. Gay, J. Groult, Maurice Mainguy
Front Matter: Proceedings of the South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society - Volume II - 1975
Leslie R. Beddoes, Jr., Grant Auchincloss
The Geological History of the Carnarvon Sedimentary Province, Western Australia*
Alan R. Lloyd
How Much Oil - How Much Investment*
John Winger
Magneto-Telluric Method Applied to Geothermal Prospecting*
Gerard Cormy
Misconceptions Affecting Petroleum Exploration*
Mason L. Hill
The New Breed*
Merril W. Haas
Paleontology and its Role in Oil Exploration*
Alan R. Lloyd
Some Innovations in Quick Look Log Analysis*
Earl W. Sutton
Subduction in the Indonesian Region*
Warren Hamilton
The Subduction Myth*
S. Warren Carey
Technology and Money are Keys to Meeting World Energy Needs*
John L. Kennedy
Tertiary Basins of Southeast Asia*
Richard W. Murphy