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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Tulsa Geological Society


Tulsa Geological Society Digest
Vol. 25 (1957), Pages 96-96

The Importance of the Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit of Seismic Data

R. A. Weingartner


At a time when complicated Previous HitstructuralNext Hit concepts appear to be the rule rather than the exception, too little effort is being spent on the study of Previous HitstratigraphicNext Hit and Previous HitstructuralNext Hit possibilities offered by the seismic cross section data, and too little effort is spent by the geologist in making use of the data. Steps to increase the effort envisage (1) development of qualified personnel for Previous HitstructuralNext Hit and Previous HitstratigraphicNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationTop with responsibilities limited to the cross section and map making; (2) construction of seismic cross sections and display of seismic map data in the most useable form for all geologists; (3) a program to encourage the use of seismic file data and the insistence by the geophysicist that the geologist make use of the data on a constant and routine basis.

Illustrations are provided to show the inadequacy of our present effort and the need for cross sections and seismic maps on a scale and in terms understandable by geological personnel of limited experience.

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