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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Tulsa Geological Society
A.A.P.G. Bulletin — Facts and Fancies: Abstract
The future of the A.A.P.G. Bulletin depends on the health of the petroleum industry, the willingness of geologists to submit papers to the Bulletin, the types of papers that are submitted and published, and the editorial policies of A.A.P.G. It is no longer enough for the Bulletin to publish what it gets; the Bulletin must recognize the needs of its members, and go out to get some of what is published. The Bulletin's reputation for "stuffiness" has, in some cases, been deserved, and this reputation, if it exists, must be put to rest.
Bulletin policies are general and flexible. The Bulletin publishes all types of articles that may be related to hydrocarbon exploration. Field studies are encouraged, provided that the lessons to be learned from the field in question have more than just local application. Case histories, including engineering data, are welcome.
Controversial articles, discussions, and book reviews will receive sympathetic consideration, provided that they are written constructively. The Bulletin also reprints articles that are highly recommended by local societies. Moreover, color reproduction is now a fact, provided the writer can pay the cost difference between black-and-white and color reproduction.
Members who know of good articles should encourage the authors of such papers to submit them to the Bulletin.
Manuscripts take time to process. After receival in Tulsa, they go to reviewers and then to the elected editor. They are next accepted, recommended for revision, or rejected. The speed at which an article is processed depends on the length of time the reviewer has the paper and on the author's willingness to revise promptly, where revisions are needed. The editor and managing editor's jobs are to work with and encourage the authors of the manuscripts. This task may not always be pleasant, but it is always rewarding, if for no other reason than the fact that it is people who are being helped.
Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes
1 American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa
Copyright © 2006 by the Tulsa Geological Society