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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Tulsa Geological Society


Tulsa Geological Society Digest
Vol. 35 (1967), Pages 277-277

Petroleum Geochemistry: Abstract

E. W. Biederman Jr.1


Within the last 15 years research in petroleum geochemistry has concentrated on three broad areas involving the origin, migration and accumulation of oil. Conflicting information of various kinds has been obtained by reputable investigators, making it difficult for the geologist in the field to interpret and apply the results. Problems of sampling have contributed to much of the contusion and should be considered more carefully. Pertinent data is brought together in an attempt to provide definitive answers to some of the questions asked most often by wellsite Previous HitgeologistsTop.


Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Cities Service Research and Development Company, Tulsa

October 4, 1966

Copyright © 2006 by the Tulsa Geological Society