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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Tulsa Geological Society


Transactions of the 1995 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, 1996
Pages 62-70

Exploitation Using 3D Seismic in the Red Oak Field, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

Patrick M. Rutty


Attempts to seismically resolve producing horizons at Red Oak Field have met with varying degrees of success. The shallow DesMoinesian section images well, as do the Lower Atokan Spiro sandstone and the deeper pre-Pennsylvanian section. However, the most prolific sandstone in the field, the Middle Atokan Red Oak, is poorly imaged on 2D seismic. A 3D seismic Previous HitsurveyNext Hit was shot over a portion of the field that is prospective at several horizons, in the hope that 3D processing techniques would properly position scattered energy and yield a realistic seismic representation of the Red Oak. The 3D Previous HitsurveyTop has failed to image the Red Oak, but has proven useful in exploiting other zones. An amplitude map of the Hartshorne changed the location of two Hartshorne wells, and at least one Spiro prospect will be drilled in 1995 as a direct result of the 3D seismic interpretation.

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