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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Geology and Hydrology of Hazardous-Waste, Mining-Waste, Waste-Water, and Repository Sites in Utah, 1989
Pages 59-67

Overview of Contaminated Sites at Hill Air Force Base Utah, and Case History of Actions Taken at Landfills No. 3 and 4, Chem Pits 1 and 2

E. Allan Dalpias, Edward Heyse, W. Robert James


Hill Air Force Base (AFB) is conducting remedial investigations and feasibility studies at past hazardous waste disposal sites to determine final remedial actions. The base is located on the Weber Delta, a fan-shaped land form where the Weber River flowed into the ancient Lake Bonneville. The former disposal sites have contaminated shallow perched ground water and soils with halogenated organic compounds (aircraft degreasing solvents such as trichloroethylene, TCE) and heavy metals (aircraft plating metals such as cadmium and chromium). Intermediate remedial actions have taken place at several sites and include capping, slurry walls, infiltration-collection galleries, pump and treat systems, air-stripping and activated-carbon adsorbtion systems. These actions were first installed at Operable Unit No. 1, which consists of Landfills 3 and 4, Chem Pits 1 and 2. The cap and slurry wall have resulted in significant reduction of the chemical concentrations at the seep below Landfills 3 and 4.

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