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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Hydrocarbon and Mineral Resources of the Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, 1992
Pages 271-288

A Comparison of Biomarkers in Gilsonite, Oil Shale, Tar Sand and Petroleum from Threemile Canyon and Adjacent Areas in the Uinta Basin, Utah

Herbert J. Hatcher, Henk L.C. Meuzelaar, Dale T. Urban


Relationships between gilsonite, oil shale and petroleum were investigated by comparison of hopane, sterane and carotenoid biomarkers. Samples examined were alginite, gilsonite, oil shale, tar sand and petroleum. Comparison of peak distributions in specific GC/MS ion fragmentograms of the above hydrocarbon products indicates that direct relationships do exist between gilsonite, tar sand, oil, and Green River oil shale components. In addition, the possible effects of biodegradation and maturation on oil shale outcrops, gilsonite, tar sand and petroleum are discussed.

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