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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Environmental and Engineering Geology of the Wasatch Front Region, 1995
Pages 407-414

Geophysical and Geochemical Data to Map Ground-Water Contamination-Utah County, Utah

Alvin K. Benson, Kelly L. Payne, Melissa A. Stubben


Geophysical Previous HitmethodsNext Hit can be helpful in mapping areas of contaminated soil and ground wtaer. Previous HitElectricalNext Hit resistivity and very low frequency electromagnetic induction surveys were carried out at a site of shallow hydrocarbon contamination in Utah County, Utah. Previously installed monitoring wells facilitated analysis of water chemistry to enhance interpretation of the geophysical data. The Previous HitelectricalTop resistivity and very low frequency electromagnetic data correlate well and were used to help map the contaminant plume which was delineated as an area of high apparent and interval resistivities.

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