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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Utah Geological Association
Quality of the Smirl Coal, Alton Coalfield, Kane County, Utah
The Smirl coal bed occurs near the top of the Cretaceous Dakota Formation and contains over half of the estimated 2.9 billion ton coal resource in the Alton coalfield. Coal analyses for 179 drill core samples were used to evaluate the quality of the 630 million tons of Smirl coal within one mile of a sample location. The results show an apparent subbituminous A rank, heating values near 9800 Btu/lb, 18% moisture, 9% ash, and sulfur values slightly greater than one pound per million Btu. Maps show the geographic variation of these coal quality parameters as well as areas with weathered coal where moisture contents are elevated. Local weathering and unmeasured loss of moisture from coal samples prior to analysis complicated the evaluation of coal quality.
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