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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Proceedings of the First International Conference on the New Basement Tectonics, 1974
Pages 27-34

Tectonic Lineaments and Plate Tectonics in South-Central Alaska

Larry Gedney, James VanWormer, Lewis Shapiro


The seismically active portion of south-central Alaska is divided into four roughly equal portions by three large scale strike-slip faults which traverse the state from east to west. Similarities in the alignment of linears within each of these segments suggest that they may have similar histories of deformation, with the deforming mechanism being the underthrusting of the north Pacific lithospheric plate beneath the Alaska mainland. There is evidence to postulate that the relative movement between the continent and oceanic plate has been progressively transferred southward between the major Previous HitfaultTop systems.

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