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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Proceedings of the First International Conference on the New Basement Tectonics, 1974
Pages 94-105

Lineaments in Basement Terrane of the Peninsular Ranges, Southern California

P. M. Merifield, D. L. Lamar


ERTS and Skylab images reveal a number of prominent lineaments in the basement terrane of the Peninsular Ranges, Southern California. The major, well-known, active, northwest-trending, right-slip faults are well displayed; northeast and west to west-northwest trending lineaments are also present. Study of large-scale airphotos, followed by field investigation, has shown that several of these lineaments represent previously unmapped faults. Pitches of striations on shear surfaces of the northeast and west-trending faults indicate oblique-slip movement; data are insufficient to determine the net-slip. These faults are restricted to the pre-Tertiary basement terrane and are truncated by the major northwest-trending faults. They may have formed in response to an earlier stress system. All lineaments observed in the space photography are not due to faulting, and additional detailed geologic investigations are required to determine the nature of the unstudied lineaments and the history and net-slip of fault-controlled lineaments.

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