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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


The Thrust Belt Revisited; 38th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 1987
Pages 267-274

Pre-Thrusting Basin Morphology: Influence on Geochemical "Fairways" and Subsequent Thrust Deformations in the Wyoming-Idaho Thrustbelt

Previous HitMichaelTop Fahy


Nearly all of us, inadvertently, visualize the emplacement of thrusts in a relatively undeformed, flatlying sequence of layered rocks. In reality, the Wyoming-Idaho pre-thrust basin morphology influenced both the geochemical fairways and the subsequent thrust belt "details". These "details" include the positioning and size of lateral ramps, leading-edge ramps, and some of the cross-strike discontinuities for many of the thrust plates in the area.

If we desire to lower the risk of exploration in these highly complex terranes we need a relatively detailed understanding of the map distribution of these geochemical fairways, and the map positions of "causes" for localization of ramp segments and cross-strike discontinuities.

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