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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Wyoming Geological Association
The Diamond Resources of the Colorado-Wyoming State Line District: Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Chemistry as a Guide to Economic Potential
The indicator minerals pyrope garnet, Mg-chromite, Mg-ilmenite, and clinopyroxene have been used for decades to locate kimberlite diatremes. Some of these minerals have compositions comparable to diamond inclusion minerals and can be used to project diamond grade potential in individual kimberlites. However, much of this information is proprietary and has not been published. Chemistries of indicator minerals from kimberlite concentrate have been evaluated from the Colorado-Wyoming kimberlite province, and particularly, from the Sloan 1, 2, and 5 kimberlites, George Creek dike system, State Line district, and from the Iron Mountain district in Wyoming. The diamond potential inferred from mineral chemistry agrees well with that obtained from bulk testing.
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