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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook - 2002 Field Conference “Wyoming Basins” and 2003 Field Conference Wyoming Oil: Resources & Technology “Reversing the Decline” (2003)
Pages 41-62

Imaging Technology Offers Enhanced Interpretation of Teapot Dome Reservoirs

Mark Milliken, Randy Koepsell


Recently acquired imagery at Teapot Dome Field (Naval Petroleum Reserve #3) using Fullbore Formation Microimager (FMI) technology has led to a better understanding of reservoir architecture and production patterns at this 80 year old field. Fracture orientations in the Steele Shale have been the subject of much debate over the decades, given the spotty production character. FMI imagery shows not only the strike and dip of productive fractures, but also fracture apertures, continuity, and density. Offset shale wells can now be planned with far less risk. The orientation of Previous HitwellNext Hit bore breakouts and drilling induced fractures both suggest a WNW - ESE current day in situ stress orientation. The Tensleep Formation at Teapot Dome has been studied for 50 years. FMI imagery has led to a far greater understanding of the depositional environment and architecture of eolian sands and related interdune deposits. New information includes the role of fractured interdune dolomites in early water breakthrough, rapidly shifting paleo-wind directions and its effect on directional permeability, and high resolution analyses of perforated intervals. The possibility of recompleting old Tensleep wells may become reality with a new understanding of reservoir character provided by Previous HitwellTop bore imagery.

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