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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Wyoming Geological Association Sixty-first Conference Guidebook and 2010 Unconventional Previous HitEnergyTop Resources, 2010
Pages 125-133

Extended Abstract: The Geologic and Hydrologic Setting of NPR-3 (Teapot Dome) Wyoming and its EGS Geothermal Potential

Tom C. Anderson


The field is a 9,481-acre operating mature oil field offering a full complement of associated facilities, production, and drilling equipment onsite. There have been 1,319 wells drilled in the field with 589 of them plugged and abandoned. Of the 730 remaining wellbores, 300 are producing wells in nine producing reservoirs ranging in depth from 250 to 5,500 feet The remaining wellbores are temporarily shut-in or are used for testing.

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