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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Williston Basin Symposium
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ABSTRACT: Heterogeneity of Ordovician Red River Reservoirs: A Case of Core Study from 3-8-1-11W2M Well, Southeastern Saskatchewan
Hairuo Qing
ABSTRACT: Spelunking in the Duperow: An Example of Upper Devonian Paleocaves from the Saskatchewan Potash Belt
S. P. (Steve) Halabura, Andre Costa, Terry Danyluk
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Horizontal Well Potential of the Lower Alida Beds at Handsworth Pool, Southeast Saskatchewan
J.H.Lake, S. Seifert
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Interlake Facies & Reservoir, Bryant and Adjacent areas, Southeast Saskatchewan
W. Martindale, Barry W. Larson
Horizontal Development of Middle Birdbear Reservoirs: Kisbey and Flat Lake Pools, Saskatchewan and Montana
Dean Potter
Horizontal Potential in a Lower Midale (Vuggy) Reservoir of the Mississippian Midale Beds, Weyburn-Steelman Area, Southeastern Saskatchewan
Andrew Nimegeers, Erik Nickel
Whole core oil fluorescence: uses and potential applications
Stephen L. Bend, Oladoyin Akinbiyi