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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 42, No. 1, September 1999. Pages 19-19.

Abstract: Breaking the Rules for Seismic Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Analysis


Jack Ward

Criteria for the selection of reservoirs suitable for Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit have been developed based on either theoretical principles or discussions around the water cooler.

In general, it is concluded that the optimum case for advanced Previous HitcharacterizationNext Hit and Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit is for low-dip, low-velocity strata that have a low-modulus fluid moving during the production process coupled with a high signal-to-noise ratio on the seismic data. Given these assumptions there is a strong tendency for the selection of reservoirs suitable for Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit and advanced seismic Previous HitcharacterizationNext Hit to be clastics associated with high GOR oils, or with gas movement on marine seismic data.

A more aggressive strategy using multi-component acquisition, alone or in combination with permanent installations, offers the opportunity to break these rules and develop methods for Previous HitreservoirNext Hit description extending across a wide range of traps in more challenging signal-to-noise provinces. To accomplish this goal, advancements are required in several areas:

  • application of permanent installations to improve coupling, signal-to-noise ratio and repeatability,
  • extension of acquisition to multi-component surveys to add new information for interpretation, and
  • adaptation of conventional processing algorithms for multi-component data and fixed geometry surveys.
  • Results from Geld experiments demonstrate that there are significant developments suggesting that future surveys will capitalize on improved coupling, multi-component analysis, and new algorithms. Combining multi-component recording with new acquisition and processing concepts provides the opportunity to improve both the Previous HitcharacterizationNext Hit and Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit of reservoirs that are outside conventional wisdom for seismic work. New results extend the concept of Previous HitreservoirNext Hit work to include fracture mapping, detection of sand/shale ratios, and Previous HitmonitoringTop of non-gas fluid movement.

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