Electronic Index of AAPG Special Publications:

SG4: Reefs and Related Carbonates--Ecology and Sedimentology

Edited by Stanley H. Frost, Malcolm P. Weiss, and John B. Saunders

Title Page



Coral Reefs and Their Zonation in Netherlands Antilles: Modern and Ancient Reefs
Rolf P. M. Bak

Shelf Reefs, Southwestern Puerto Rico: Modern and Ancient Reefs
Jack Morelock, Nahum Schneidermann

West Flower Garden Bank, Gulf of Mexico: Modern and Ancient Reefs
R. Rezak

Patch-Reef Ecology and Sedimentology of Glovers Reef Atoll, Belize: Modern and Ancient Reefs
Robert James Wallace, Steven D. Schafersman

Deep Forereef and Upper Island Slope, North Jamaica: Modern and Ancient Reefs
Lynton S. Land, Clyde H. Moore Jr.

Holocene Bioherms of Lesser Antilles--Geologic Control of Development: Modern and Ancient Reefs
Walter H. Adey, Randolf B. Burke

Jamaican Coral-Rudist Frameworks and Their Geologic Setting: Modern and Ancient Reefs
Anthony G. Coates

Cenozoic Reef Systems of Caribbean--Prospects for Paleoecologic Synthesis: Modern and Ancient Reefs
Stanley H. Frost

Man's Impact on Coastal Reefs--an Example from Venezuela: Modern and Ancient Reefs
M. P. Weiss, D. A. Goddard

Sponges as Reef Builders and Shapers: Reef Biota
Willard D. Hartman

Structural Modification of Corals in Relation to Waves and Currents: Reef Biota
Richard R. Graus, John A. Chamberlain Jr., Alexa M. Boker

Low-Water Emergence of Caribbean Reefs and Effect of Exposure on Coral Diversity--Observations off Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles: Reef Biota
James W. Scatterday

Caribbean Reef Corals Montastrea annularis and Montastrea cavernosa--Long-Term Growth Data as Determined by Skeletal X-radiography: Reef Biota
Jon N. Weber, Eugene W. White

Bryozoan Contributions to Reefs and Bioherms Through Geologic Time: Reef Biota
Roger J. Cuffey

Quantitative Paleoecological Aspects of Modern Marine Mollusk Distribution, Northeast Yucatan Coast, Mexico: Reef Biota
A. A. Ekdale

Change in Ostracod Standing Crop, Laguna Mandinga, Veracruz, Mexico: Reef Biota
Paul R. Krutak

Calcium Carbonate Fixation by Large Reef-Dwelling Foraminifera: Reef Biota
Charles A. Ross

Crinoids of West Indian Coral Reefs: Reef Biota
Donald B. Macurda Jr., David L. Meyer

Importance of Phylloid Algae in Development of Depositional Topography--Reality or Myth?: Reef Biota
Stanton M. Ball, William D. Pollard, J. Wayland Roberts

Carbonate Borers--Their Role in Reef Ecology and Preservation: Reef Biota
John E. Warme

Carbonate-Sediment Production by Parrot Fish and Sea Urchins on Caribbean Reefs: Reef Biota
John C. Ogden

Use of Corals in Determining Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Temperature and Isotopic Composition of Seawater: Reef Biota
Jon N. Weber

Facies Analysis of Holocene Carbonate Sediments and Tertiary(?)-Pleistocene Limestones on and Around Barbuda, West Indies: Sediments and Diagenesis
Peter Wigley

Calcium Carbonate Sedimentation on Continental Shelf off Southern Brazil, with Special Reference to Benthic Foraminifera: Sediments and Diagenesis
Marco Aurelio Vicalvi, John D. Milliman

Miocene "Kingshill Seaway"--a Dynamic Carbonate Basin and Shelf Model, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands: Sediments and Diagenesis
H. G. Multer, S. H. Frost, L. C. Gerhard

Progressive Diagenetic Elimination of Strontium in Quaternary to Late Tertiary Coral Reefs of Red Sea: Sequence and Time Scale: Sediments and Diagenesis
Gerald M. Friedman, I. B. Brenner

Sequence of Progressive Diagenesis in Coral Reefs: Sediments and Diagenesis
Gedalia Gvirtzman, Gerald M. Friedman

Marine and Continental Groundwater Sources in a Persian Gulf Coastal Sabkha: Sediments and Diagenesis
R. J. Patterson, David J. J. Kinsman