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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Effect of Flooding Oil Sands with Alkaline Solutions
R. C. Beckstrom , F. M. Van Tuyl
The Stratigraphy and Oil Prospects of Alberta, Canada
F. H. McLearn, G. S. Hume
The Petroliferous Belt of Central-Western Mendoza Province, Argentina
Frederic H. Lahee
Oil and Gas Possibilities in the Arkansas Ozarks
Carey Croneis
Preventive Medicine and Health in Venezuelan Oil Fields
E. P. De Bellard
Geographic Distribution of Geologists in the United States: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. H. Sellards
Geographic Names of the Eastern Coast of Russian Sakhalin: DISCUSSION
Taisia Stadnichenko
Moss Bluff Salt Dome Discovery: DISCUSSION
Donald C. Barton
Notes on the Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Formations of Texas and Arkansas: ERRATUM
L. W. Stephenson