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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geology of Oil Basins of East Indian Archipelago
H. M. Schuppli
Evolution of Reef Corals in East Indies Since Miocene Time
J. H. F. Umbgrove
Formation of Hydrocarbons from Fatty Acids by Alpha-Particle Bombardment
C. W. Sheppard , W. L. Whitehead
Stratigraphy of Waller and Harris Counties, Texas
R. L. Beckelhymer
Mineralogy of Late Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Eocene Sandstones of Los Banos District, West Border of San Joaquin Valley, California
S. N. Daviess
Submarine Slumping and Location of Oil Bodies
Rhodes W. Fairbridge
Conodonts as Paleozoic Guide Fossils
Samuel P. Ellison, Jr.
Outline for Regional Classification of Oil Possibilities: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Frank Reeves
Suggestion for Naming Multiple Sands: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Roy E. Dickerson , H. W. Straley, III
Devonian(?) Producing Zone, TXL Pool, Ector County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Max David
Natural Resources Section in Japan and Korea: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Thomas A. Hendricks
Results of California Exploration during the War Period: ABSTRACT
Frank S. Parker
Buena Vista Hills (27-B Pool): ABSTRACT
Evan Burtner
Geology of Tierra del Fuego, South America: ABSTRACT
Joseph Hollister
Stratigraphic Section East of Bogota, Colombia: ABSTRACT
Thomas Clements
The First Oligocene Mammalian Fauna from Northern South America: ABSTRACT
R. A. Stirton
Recent Investigations by the Geological Survey of Alaska Petroleum Possibilities: ABSTRACT
John C. Reed
Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Strata of the Uinta Mountains, Utah: ABSTRACT
Horace D. Thomas, Max L. Krueger
Notes on the Geology of the Deep Coles Levee Well, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT
N. L. Taliaferro, W. F. Barbat
Notes on Rocky Mountain Thrust Faults: ABSTRACT
Edward C. H. Lammers
Terrestrial Dynamics: ABSTRACT
Bailey Willis
Landslides-Ventura Avenue Oil Field: ABSTRACT
Claude Leach, Henry H. Neel