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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Grain-Size Distribution and Reservoir-Rock Characteristics
John C. Griffiths
Core-Analysis Practices--Basic Methods and New Developments
T. A. Pollard , Paul P. Reichertz
Resistivity of Brine-Saturated Sands in Relation to Pore Geometry
W. O. Winsauer , H. M. Shearin, Jr. , P. H. Masson , M. Williams
Classification of Carbonate Reservoir Rocks and Petrophysical Considerations
G. E. Archie (^dagger)
Porosity-Profile Determination from Electric Logs
T. R. Wright , Sylvain J. Pirson
Interpretation of Neutron Well Logs
William L. Russell
Reservoir Fluids and Their Behavior
Donald L. Katz , Brymer Williams
Application of Electrical Resistivity Measurements to Problem of Fluid Flow in Porous Media
M. R. J. Wyllie , M. B. Spangler
Geology of Northern British Honduras: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Giovanni Flores
Faulted Graptolite Shows Joins Formation Deep Near Edmond, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles E. Decker
Preliminary Note on Origin of Petroleum: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Paul V. Smith, Jr.