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AAPG Bulletin
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A Test of New Global Tectonics: Comparisons of Northeast Pacific and California Structures
Mason L. Hill
New Hypothesis of Early Jurassic Paleogeography and Sediment Dispersal for Western United States
K. O. Stanley , W. M. Jordan , R. H. Dott, Jr.
Biostratigraphy of Upper Mississippian and Associated Carboniferous Rocks in South-Central Idaho
B. L. Mamet , Betty Skipp , W. J. Sando , W. J. Mapel
Bathymetry and Paleoecology of Ouachita Geosyncline of Southeastern Oklahoma as Determined from Trace Fossils
C. Kent Chamberlain
Geology of a Smackover Stratigraphic Trap
William F. Bishop
Illamurta Diapiric Complex and Its Position on an Important Central Australian Structural Zone
P. J. Cook
Pore-Space Reduction by Solution and Cementation
Gordon Rittenhouse
Mechanical Compaction of Sands Containing Different Percentages of Ductile Grains: a Theoretical Approach
Gordon Rittenhouse
Mesoscopic Structural Homogeneity of Maya Series and Macal Series, Mountain Pine Ridge, British Honduras: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Stephen E. Kesler , J. Howard Bateson , William L. Josey , George H. Cramer , Weldon A. Simmons
Silurian and Lower Devonian (Hunton) Oil- and Gas-Producing Formations: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Thomas W. Amsden , T. L. Rowland
Shallow Structures: Shelf Edge of Continental Margin Between Cape Hatteras and Cape Fear, North Carolina: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Orrin H. Pilkey , Ian G. Macintyre , Elazar Uchupi
Carboniferous Sediments from Sigsbee Knolls, Gulf of Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Willis E. Pequegnat , William R. Bryant , John E. Harris
AAPG Geological Highway Maps: DISCUSSION
Arthur S. Huey
AAPG Geological Highway Maps: REPLY
H. B. Renfro
Evidence for Thrust Faulting in Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: DISCUSSION
Robert D. Brown, Jr.
Evidence for Thrust Faulting in Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: REPLY
Robert G. McWilliams
Handbook of South Australian Geology: ERRATUM
L. W. Pavkin
Virgil and Wolfcamp Fluvial, Deltaic, and Inter-Deltaic Embayment Depositional Systems in North and West-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
L. F. Brown, Jr.
Genetic Units and Delta Prospecting: ABSTRACT
Daniel A. Busch
Evolution of Smackover Play, Texas to Florida: ABSTRACT
Stephen E. Collins
Tertiary Depositional Systems, Gulf of Mexico Basin: ABSTRACT
W. L. Fisher
Facies of Cisco-Equivalent Slope Deposition Systems and Their Role in Construction of Eastern Shelf: ABSTRACT
William E. Galloway
Economics: Without Which--What?: ABSTRACT
Michel T. Halbouty
Let's Get the Last Drop: ABSTRACT
W. S. Howard
Prospecting for Oil and Gas in Mature Area: ABSTRACT
A. V. Jones, Jr.
Genetic Classification of Porosity Formation and Destruction in Carbonate Rocks: ABSTRACT
Karl Klement
Resume of Significant Studies of Clastic Sedimentation: ABSTRACT
Rufus J. Leblanc, Sr.
Alluvial Fans and Fan Deltas: Depositional Models for Some Terrigenous Clastic Wedges: ABSTRACT
J. H. McGowen
Facies Patterns in Marble Falls Group, Southeast Burnet County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Jerome N. Namy
Depositional Systems in Woodbine Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Northeast Texas: ABSTRACT
William Oliver
Pennsylvanian Deltaic Stratigraphic Traps, West Tuscola Field, Taylor County, Texas: ABSTRACT
J. P. Shannon, Jr., A. R. Dahl
Depositional Models of Sandstones: ABSTRACT
John W. Shelton
Geologic Styling and Dipmeter: ABSTRACT
James D. Short
History and Anatomy of Arkansas River Sand Bar Near Tulsa, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Richard Steinmetz
Petrology of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Bank and Associated Environments, Azalea Field, Midland County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Carroll M. Thomas