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AAPG Bulletin
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Structure of Continental Margin Between Cape Rhir and Cape Sim, Morocco, Northwest Africa
James M. Robb
Geophysical Reconnaissance on African Shelf: I. Cape Town to East London
R. Leyden , M. Ewing , E. S. W. Simpson
Time-Stratigraphic Units and Petroleum Entrapment Models in Baltimore Canyon Basin of Atlantic Continental Margin Geosynclines
John C. Kraft , Robert E. Sheridan , Marilyn Maisano
Jurassic Salt, Central Gulf of Mexico, and Its Temporal Relation to Circum-Gulf Evaporites
D. W. Kirkland , J. E. Gerhard
Structure and Origin of Southeastern Bahamas
Elazar Uchupi , J. D. Milliman , Bruce P. Luyendyk , C. O. Bowin , K. O. Emery
Lake Maracaibo and Weddell Sea: Comparison in Petroleum Geology
W. G. Deuser
Stratigraphic Relations of Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Formations, San Diego Coastal Area, California
Michael P. Kennedy , George W. Moore
Structural Framework of Continental Margin in South China Sea
M. L. Parke, Jr. , K. O. Emery , Raymond Szymankiewicz , L. M. Reynolds
Report on Reorganization of AAPG Convention Committee: NOTE
John M. Browning