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AAPG Bulletin
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Laurentian Fan: Morphology, Sediments, Processes, and Growth Pattern
Dorrik A. V. Stow
Subsidence and Sedimentation on Jurassic Passive Continental Margin, Southern Alps, Italy
Edward L. Winterer , Alfonso Bosellini
Use of Seismic Data for Statistical Estimation of Outcome Probabilities of Complexly Faulted Structures in Tabasco Basin, Mexico
Juan M. Berlanga , John W. Harbaugh
Stevens and Earlier Miocene Turbidite Sandstones, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California
Gregory W. Webb
Cenozoic Tectonics of Central Hispaniola and Adjacent Caribbean Sea
John W. Ladd , Tai-Chang Shih , C. James Tsai
Geophysical Investigation of Crystalline Basement Between Dead Sea Rift and Mediterranean Sea
A. Ginzburg , Y. Folkman
Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Variations in Kerogen During Laboratory-Simulated Thermal Maturation
K. E. Peters , B. G. Rohrback , I. R. Kaplan
Structural Geometry of Meade Thrust Plate in Northern Blackfoot Mountains, Southeastern Idaho
Richard W. Allmendinger
Trenton Formation (Middle Ordovician) of Northwestern Ohio: Possible Target for Petroleum Mining
Ronald D. Stieglitz
Static Versus Dynamic Interpretation in Petroleum Geology
Kinji Magara
Middle East: Stratigraphic Evolution and Oil Habitat: DISCUSSION
M. W. Ibrahim
Middle East: Stratigraphic Evolution and Oil Habitat: Reply
R. J. Murris
Possible Mechanism for Lithium Accumulation in Miocene Popotosa Formation, South-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Sigrid Asher-Bolinder
Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Lower Tres Hermanos Sandstone, Sevilleta Grant near La Joya, Socorro County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Bruce Baker, Donald L. Wolberg
Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Sevilleta Grant near La Joya, Socorro County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Bruce Baker, Donald L. Wolberg, Stephen C. Hook
Geomagnetic Polarity Stratigraphy of Type Tesuque Formation, Santa Fe Group, in Espanola Valley, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Steven F. Barghoorn
Effect of Oil Prices and "Windfall Profit" Taxes on Life or Death of an Oil Field--a Case History: ABSTRACT
Bruce A. Black
Geochronologic Studies near WIPP Site, Southeastern New Mexico: Summary and Interpretation: ABSTRACT
Douglas G. Brookins
Tertiary Mineralization in Part of Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Douglas G. Brookins, R. S. Della Valle
Uranium in Permian Cutler Formation, Lisbon Valley, San Juan County, Utah: ABSTRACT
John A. Campbell
Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Thousand Pockets Tongue of Page Sandstone and Crystal Creek Member of Carmel Formation (Middle Jurassic), Southwestern Utah: ABSTRACT
Mario V. Caputo
Facies Control of Upper Cretaceous Cleary and Gibson Coal Members near Gallup, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Victor V. Cavaroc, Jr., Romeo M. Flores
Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposits in Upper Cretaceous Sandstones, Datil Mountains Area, West-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Richard M. Chamberlin
Disequilibrium and Possible Origin of Uranium Deposit in Cretaceous Lower Dakota Scour Channel, Church Rock District, McKinley County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Douglas W. Combs
Tartaric Acid Leaching of Selected Ore Samples, Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Richard S. Della Valle, D. G. Brookins, C. I. Mora
Effects of Mining and Reclamation on Hydrologic Parameters: ABSTRACT
Brant A. Dennis, T. E. Kelly
Geologic Controls of Uranium Mineralization in Tallahassee Creek Uranium District, Fremont County, Colorado: ABSTRACT
K. A. Dickinson
Palynological Evidence for Miocene Age of Abiquiu Tuff, North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Harvey R. Duchene, Donald W. Englehardt, Lee A. Woodward
Preliminary Pore Structure Analysis of Tight Sandstones Using Computer-Processed Photomicrographs: ABSTRACT
Leonard E. Duda, Janet K. Pitman
Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: ABSTRACT
James E. Fassett
Upper Cretaceous Tocito Sandstone Lentil of Mancos Shale, San Juan Basin, New Mexico--Is There Any Oil Left?: ABSTRACT
James E. Fassett
Facies Distribution and Reservoir Quality of Biogenic Gas Reservoirs of Northern Great Plains--Example From Eagle-Telegraph Creek (Upper Cretaceous) Interval: ABSTRACT
D. L. Gautier, D. D. Rice
Progress in Modeling Natural Fracture Distributions: ABSTRACT
John F. Gibbons
Perspectives of Energy Development in New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Philip R. Grant, Jr.
Origin of Intraformational Folds in Jurassic Todilto Limestone, Ambrosia Lake Uranium Mining District, McKinley County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Morris W. Green
Mollusca from Upper Cretaceous Fruitland and Kirtland Formations, Western San Juan Basin, New Mexico: Review: ABSTRACT
Joseph H. Hartman
Overview of Geology as Related to Environmental Concerns in New Mexico: ABSTRACT
John W. Hawley
Geologic and Hydrologic Criteria for Disposal of Hazardous Wastes in New Mexico: ABSTRACT
John W. Hawley
Gallup Sandstone: Complex of Wave-Dominated Deltaic and Low-Sinuosity Braided Fluvial Deposits, Gallup Sag, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
John C. Hohman, Romeo M. Flores
Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy in Hunter Wash Area, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Adrian Hunt, Donald L. Wolberg, Julie Menack
Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Bisti Badlands, San Juan County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Peter J. Hutchinson
Geology of Espinaso Formation (Oligocene), North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
P. F. Kautz, R. V. Ingersoll
Effects of Physical and Chemical Diagenesis on Low-Porosity, Low-Permeability Sandstones, Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT
C. W. Keighin
Hydrology of Strippable Coal Deposits, San Juan Basin: ABSTRACT
T. E. Kelly
Response of Rio Grande River to Dam Construction: ABSTRACT
Peter F. Lagasse
Environment of Deposition and Uranium Host Rock Potential of Jurassic Morrison Formation, Northeastern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Lessard
Preliminary Basin Analysis of El Rito Formation (Eocene), North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Mark J. Logsdon
Historical Geology as Framework for Synthesis and Management of Data from Environmental Impact Studies in New Mexico: ABSTRACT
David Love, Donald L. Wolberg
Recognition, Age, and Extent of Galisteo Formation, North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Spencer G. Lucas
Evaluation of Geothermal Potential of Truth or Consequences Area, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Maureen Mahoney, Stephen G. Wells, George R. Jiracek
Los Pinos Formation (Oligocene-Miocene), North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Kim Manley
Estimates of Gas Content in Coal and Carbonaceous Rocks from Deep Drilling in Pacific Creek Area, Northeastern Green River Basin, Sweetwater County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Dennis J. Markochick, Ben E. Law
Environment Favorable for Deposition of Uranium, Jefferson River Basin, Southwestern Montana: ABSTRACT
Linda K. McClain, Geoffrey W. Mathews
Model for Origin and Distribution of Low-Temperature Geothermal Resources in Rio Grande Rift, Southern Rocky Mountain Complex: ABSTRACT
Paul Morgan, Vicki Harder, Paul Daggett, Chandler A. Swanberg
Petrology of Pennsylvanian Tensleep Sandstone, Lost Soldier Field, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
D. C. Mou, R. L. Brenner
Distribution of Uranium as Function of Sediment Particle Size: ABSTRACT
Clayton E. Olsen, D. G. Brookins
Model for Uranium, Humate, and Silica Fixation in Lacustrine Carbonaceous Sediments at Anderson Mine, Western Arizona: ABSTRACT
James K. Otton
Evaluation of Geothermal Potential, Albuquerque Area, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Mark D. Parker, George R. Jiracek
Stratigraphic Relations of Type Section of Lower Triassic Dinwoody Formation in Wyoming to Exposures in Idaho Overthrust Belt and Northwest Utah: ABSTRACT
Rachel K. Paull
Newly Discovered Inlier of Ordovician Phi Kappa Formation, South-Central Idaho: ABSTRACT
Richard A. Paull, Rachel K. Paull
Exploration Guides for Uranium in Volcanic Environments: ABSTRACT
Raymond C. Pilcher
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Trapping Mechanisms of Upper Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, Northwestern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Ronald S. Reese
Distribution and Stratigraphic Correlation of Burro Canyon(?) Formation, Chama and Northern San Juan Basins, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Jennie L. Ridgley
Stratigraphy and Paleobotany of Lower Kirtland (Upper Cretaceous) Leaf Locality near Bisti, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Coleman Robison, Donald L. Wolberg, Adrian Hunt
Migration Study Using Horizontal Core from Beneath Solid Radioactive Waste-Disposal Pit at Los Alamos, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Margaret Ann Rogers
Vertebrate Paleontology of Lower Tertiary Baca Formation of Western New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Judith A. Schiebout, A. Kay Schrodt
Provenance and Depositional Environments of Eocene-Oligocene Baca Formation, Catron County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
A. Kay Schrodt, Judith A. Schiebout
Permeability of Westwater Canyon Member of Jurassic Morrison Formation, Southern San Juan Basin: ABSTRACT
John W. Shomaker
Paleotectonics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Paul B. Slack
Overpressured, Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs in Green River, Washakie, and Great Divide Basins, Southwestern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Spencer, Ben E. Law
Some Chemical Characteristics of Uranium-Vanadium Deposits in Ambrosia Lake Area, Northwest New Mexico: ABSTRACT
C. S. Spirakis, C. H. Pierson, H. C. Granger
Permian White Rim Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation: Coastal Dune Field, Utah: ABSTRACT
Brenda A. Steele-Mallory
Unsaturated Flow Conditions Beneath Lined Tailings Disposal Ponds: ABSTRACT
Daniel B. Stephens, Joel Siegel
Preliminary Report on Age of Uraniun-Ore Deposition and Host-Rock Formation at Lilljuthatten, Sweden: ABSTRACT
J. S. Stuckless, C. E. Hedge, I. T. Nkomo, B. Troeng
Low-Temperature Geothermal Development and Monitoring at Gila Hot Springs, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
W. K. Summers
Mammalian Biochronology of Late Cenozoic Basins of New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Richard H. Tedford
NOAA/DOE State Geothermal Mapping Program: ABSTRACT
Albert E. Theberge
Dolostone Reservoirs in Horquilla Formation (Pennsylvanian-Permian), Big Hatchet Peak Section, Hidalgo County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Sam Thompson, III, Alonzo D. Jacka
Application of Lacustrine-Humate Model to New Mexico Grants Mineral Belt and Relation Between Ore Types and Hydrologic History of San Juan Basin: ABSTRACT
C. E. Turner-Peterson
Petrology and Potential Sources of Uranium in Tertiary Rocks, Logan County, Northeastern Colorado: ABSTRACT
John Charles Webb
Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Tectonic History of Ridgway Area, Northern San Juan Mountains, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Paul C. Weimer
Geomorphic Applications to Landscape Stability and Surface Coal Mining Reclamation, Northwestern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Stephen G. Wells, Rose Devon
Constraints on Origin of Granitic Uranium-Source Rock, Granite Mountains, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
D. B. Wenner, J. S. Stuckless, K. K. Chang
Potential for Ground-Water Pollution in New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Lee Wilson
Paleontology of "Fossil Forest," Interesting Late Cretaceous Fossil Assemblage, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Wolberg, J. Keith Rigby, Jr.
Geology and Stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous "Fossil Forest" near Split Lip Flats, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Wolberg, Adrian Hunt, J. Keith Rigby, Jr., Julie Menack
Overthrust and Disturbed Belt of West-Central Montana--Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT
Lee A. Woodward
Mobility of Uraniun and Other Elements During Alteration of Air-Fall Ash to Montmorillonite: Case Study: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Zielinski