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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Continuous Sea-Floor Spreading in Red Sea: An Alternative Interpretation of Magnetic Anomaly Pattern

J. L. Labrecque , N. Zitellini

Diagenesis and Primary Migration in Upper Jurassic Claystone Source Rocks in North Sea

Holger Lindgreen

Geology of the Point Arguello Discovery

W. E. Crain , W. E. Mero , Don Patterson

Isomerization and Aromatization of Hydrocarbons and the Paleothermometry and Burial History of Alberta Foreland Basin

Christopher Beaumont , Ross Boutilier , Andrew S. Mackenzie , Jurgen Rullkotter

Regional Source Rock Mapping Using a Source Potential Rating Index

Harry Dembicki, Jr. , Fredric L. Pirkle

Seismic Characteristics and Identification of Negative Flower Structures, Positive Flower Structures, and Positive Structural Inversion

T. P. Harding

Petroleum Prospects of Benue Trough, Nigeria

Joseph I. Nwachukwu

Middle and Upper Jurassic Depositional Environments at Outer Shelf and Slope of Baltimore Canyon Trough

L. A. Gamboa , M. Truchan , P. L. Stoffa

Compaction Curves

Brewster Baldwin , Crispin O. Butler

Hydrocarbon Exploration in Western Oregon and Washington

John M. Armentrout , David H. Suek

AAPG Marine Geology: The Arctic Basin: ERRATUM

A. Grantz, J. S. Watkins

Facies Comparison of Autochthonous and Allochthonous Permian and Triassic Units, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Karen E. Adams, C. G. Mull

Geochemistry of Coal from Cretaceous Corwin and Chandler Formations, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA): ABSTRACT

Ronald H. Affolter, G. D. Stricker

Alaskan Peninsula Cenozoic Stratigraphy: Stratigraphic Sequences and Current Research: ABSTRACT

R. C. Allison, J. M. Armentrout

Depositional Environment and Geologic Age of Neogene Rocks at Cape Aliaksin, Beaver Bay, Alaska Peninsula: ABSTRACT

J. M. Armentrout

Do Oil and Gold Mix in Alaska?: ABSTRACT

R. V. Bailey

Sag River Formation, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: Depositional Environment and Diagenesis: ABSTRACT

D. A. Barnes

Reservoir Description of Endicott Field, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT

P. G. Behrman, R. K. Woidneck, C. H. Soule, J. L. Wu

North Slope Oil and Gas: The Barrow Arch Paradox: ABSTRACT

K. J. Bird

K-Ar Ages of Allochthonous Mafic and Ultramafic Complexes and Their Metamorphic Aureoles, Western Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. L Boak, D. L Turner, W. K. Wallace, T. E. Moore

Age and Correlation of the Otuk Formation, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Dirk A. Bodnar, C. G. Mull

Early Cretaceous Evolution of Yukon-Koyukuk Basin and Its Bearing on Development of Brookian Orogenic Belt, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Stephen E. Box, W. W. Patton, Jr.

Southeastern Alaska Tectonostratigraphic Terranes Revisited: ABSTRACT

David A. Brew, Arthur B. Ford

Structure of Shumagin Continental Margin, Western Gulf of Alaska: ABSTRACT

T. R. Bruns, R. Von Huene, S. D. Lewis, J. W. Ladd

Stratigraphy, Petrology, and Depositional Environments of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Sabbath Creek Section, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Alaska: ABSTRACT

Martin L. Buckingham

Summary of the Geologic Mapping Program by the Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) in McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska: ABSTRACT

T. K. Bundtzen, W. G. Gilbert, J. T. Kline, D. N. Solie

Carboniferous Conodonts, Algae, and Foraminifers from Lisburne Group, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT

T. R. Carr, B. L. Mamet

Late Pleistocene Marine Transgressions of North Slope Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

L. David Carter

Lower Devonian Carbonate Facies and Platform Margin Development, East-Central Alaska and Yukon Territory: ABSTRACT

James G. Clough, Robert B. Blodgett

Shelf to Basin Transition of Silurian-Devonian Rocks, Porcupine River Area, East-Central Alaska: ABSTRACT

Donald A. Coleman

Cretaceous and Tertiary (Brookian) Depositional Style on Barrow Arch, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

T. S. Collett, K. J. Bird, C. M. Molenaar

Crustal Structure of Bristol Bay Region, Alaska: ABSTRACT

A. K. Cooper, Hugh McLean, Michael S. Marlow

Geology of the Point Arguello Discovery: ABSTRACT

William E. Crain, William E. Mero, Donald Patterson

Arctic Reconstruction from an Alaskan Viewpoint: ABSTRACT

R. C. Crane

Cretaceous Olistostrome Model, Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

R. C. Crane

Structural Style--Brooks Range Mountain Front, Alaska: ABSTRACT

R. C. Crane, C. G. Mull

Provenance of Conglomerate Clasts from Upper Cretaceous Kuskokwim Group, Southwest Alaska: ABSTRACT

Karen L. Crowder, John Decker

Cretaceous Basin-to-Shelf Transition in Northern Alaska: Deposition of the Fortress Mountain Formation: ABSTRACT

R. Keith Crowder

Crude Oil Chemistry and Classification, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Joseph A. Curiale

Geotectonics of the Bering Sea Area, Alaska: ABSTRACT

David A. Desautels

The Paleogene Sequence on the Alaska Peninsula: ABSTRACT

Robert L. Detterman

Lower Paleozoic and Proterozoic Rocks of Southern Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

John T. Dillon

Llama-Supported Geologic Fieldwork in Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

John T. Dillon, James L. Faiks

Devonian Magmatism in Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

John T. Dillon, George R. Tilton

Late Quaternary Depositional History of Alaskan Beaufort Shelf: ABSTRACT

David Dinter

Tectonic Framework of Interior Alaska--A Model of Continental Margin Extension, Collapse, and Dispersion: ABSTRACT

J. H. Dover

Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Rocks of Baird Mountains Quadrangle, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. A. Dumoulin, Anita G. Harris

Metamorphic Facies Map of Alaska: ABSTRACT

Cynthia Dusel-Bacon, E. F. O'Rourke, K. E. Reading, M. R. Fitch, M. A. Klute

Revised Megafossil Biostratigraphic Zonation for Carboniferous of Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. Thomas Dutro, Jr.

Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska: ABSTRACT

G. R. Eakins, J. G. Clough, J. E. Callahan, M. M. Menge, A. C. Banet, Jr.

Geological Setting of North Slope Oil Fields, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Steven P. Edrich

Petrology, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality of Lower Cretaceous Kuparuk River Formation Sandstone, Kuparuk River Field, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. Thomas Eggert

Refined Names for Brookian Elements in Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT

Arlen Ehm, I. L. Tailleur

Seismotectonics and Structure of Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

C. H. Estabrook, J. N. Davies, D. B. Stone

Critical and Strategic Minerals Investigations in Alaska: Chromium: ABSTRACT

Jeffrey Y. Foley, James C. Barker, Lawrence L. Brown

Neogene Drape Folding Over Pre-Neogene Flexural-Slip Movements in Western Transverse Ranges, California: ABSTRACT

A. Eugene Fritsche

Seastacks Buried Beneath Newly Reported Lower Miocene Sandstone, Northern Santa Barbara County, California: ABSTRACT

A. Eugene Fritsche, Frank M. Hanna

Smectite Diagenesis in Bentonites of Shale Wall Member of Seabee Formation, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. Reed Glasmann

Effect of Geothermal Pore-Pressure Conditions and Natural Gas Composition on In Situ Natural Gas Hydrate Occurrences, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

S. P. Godbole, V. A. Kamath

Genesis of Gold Deposits in Chugach Terrane of South-Central Alaska--Evidence from Fluid Inclusions: ABSTRACT

Richard Goldfarb, David Leach, William Pickthorn, Marti Miller

Relative Motions between Eurasia and North America in Bering Sea Region: ABSTRACT

W. P. Harbert, L. S. Frei, Allan Cox, D. C. Engebretson

Conodont Thermal Maturation Patterns in Paleozoic and Triassic Rocks, Northern Alaska--Geologic and Exploration Implications: ABSTRACT

Anita G. Harris, H. Richard Lane, I. L. Tailleur

Thermal Windows of Yukon-Koyukuk Basin, Alaska: ABSTRACT

R. A. Harris, D. L. Turner, D. B. Stone

Brooks Range and Eastern Alps: A Tectonic Comparison: ABSTRACT

J. A. Helwig

Early Electromagnetic Soundings in Permafrost Sections on North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

George V. Keller

Fold-Nappes and Polyphase Thrusting in North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. S. Kelley, W. P. Brosge, M. W. Reynolds

Detachment Tectonics in Sadlerochit and Shublik Mountains and Applications for Exploration Beneath Coastal Plain, Arctic National Wildlife Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. S. Kelley, C. M. Molenaar

Interior Provinces in Alaska: ABSTRACT

C. E. Kirschner, M. A. Fisher, T. R. Bruns, R. G. Stanley

Rua Cove: Anatomy of Volcanogenic Fe-Cu Sulfide Deposit in Ophiolite on Knight Island, Alaska: ABSTRACT

R. A. Koski, M. L. Silberman, S. W. Nelson, J. A. Dumoulin

Temperature and Depth of Permafrost on North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Arthur H. Lachenbruch

Mississippian Conodonts, Lisburne Group, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska: ABSTRACT

H. Richard Lane, Paul F. Ressmeyer

Depositional Environments of Permo-Triassic Ivishak Formation, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: Sequence and Geometry within Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir: ABSTRACT

Timothy F. Lawton, Gregory W. Geehan

Style and Age of Tectonism of Sadlerochit Mountains to Franklin Mountains, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Alaska: ABSTRACT

Peter A. Leiggi, Branch J. Russell

Tulare Lake Field, Kings County, California--A Significant Onshore Development: ABSTRACT

R. G. Lindblom, J. M. Waldron

Petroleum Geochemistry of Alaskan North Slope--An Update: ABSTRACT

Leslie B. Magoon, George E. Claypool

Facies Correlation and Basin Analysis of Ivishak Formation, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Alaska: ABSTRACT

Kenneth J. McMillen, Michael D. Colvin

Sedimentological Evolution of Mississippian Kekiktuk Formation, Sagavanirktok Delta Area, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

John Melvin

Jurassic-Neocomian Biostratigraphy, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

M. B. Mickey, Hideyo Haga

Ophiolitic Rocks of Iditarod Quadrangle, West-Central Alaska: ABSTRACT

Marti L. Miller, Linda M. Angeloni

Late Cretaceous Coccolith Biostratigraphy of San Miguel Island, California: ABSTRACT

Peter L. Miller

Depositional History and Seismic Stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Rocks, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska and Adjacent Areas: ABSTRACT

C. M. Molenaar

Significant Outcrops of Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks in Northeastern Alaska: ABSTRACT

C. M. Molenaar, A. R. Kirk

Pre-Mississippian Accreted Terranes of Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Thomas E. Moore, William P. Brosge, M. Churkin, Jr., Wesley K. Wallace

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Kuskokwim Group in Vicinity of Cairn Mountain, Southwestern Alaska: ABSTRACT

Thomas E. Moore, Wesley K. Wallace

Seismic Subsequences in Foothills Foldbelt, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA), Alaska: ABSTRACT

Hyland B. Morrow

Electrofacies Identification of Lithology and Stratigraphic Trap, Southeast Lost Hills Fractured Shale Pool, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT

M. E. Mulhern, J. E. Laing, J. E. Senecal, R. E. Widdicombe, C. Isselhardt, J. R. Bowersox

Stratigraphy of Endicott Mountains and Picnic Creek Allochthons, Killik River and Chandler Lake Quadrangles, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Charles G. Mull, Karen E. Adams, Dirk A. Bodnar, Jerome P. Siok

Geological Mapping in Doonerak Fenster, Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Charles C. Mull, Karen E. Adams, John T. Dillon

Kemik Sandstones, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Alaska: ABSTRACT

Charles G. Mull, Chester Paris, Karen E. Adams

Goodnews Terrane and Kuskokwim Group, Eek Mountains, Southwest Alaska: Open Marine to Trench-Slope Transition: ABSTRACT

J. M. Murphy, John Decker

Overview of Gold-Bearing Skarns of Southern Alaska: ABSTRACT

R. J. Newberry

Statistical Analysis of Correlation of Porosity and Permeability Determinations from Well Cuttings Using a Portable pNMR Apparatus with Conventional Core Analysis and Wireline Log Readings: ABSTRACT

Eric L. Nigh, Alun H. Whittaker, John D. MacPherson

Sedimentology of Tidally Deposited Miocene Bear Lake Formation, Alaskan Peninsula: ABSTRACT

Tor H. Nilsen

Tectonic Significance of Kanayut Conglomerate and Related Middle Paleozoic Deposits, Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Tor H. Nilsen, Thomas E. Moore

1984 Results of Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect in Chugach Mountains and Copper River Basin, Alaska: ABSTRACT

W. J. Nokleberg, E. L. Ambos, G. S. Fuis, W. D. Mooney, R. A. Page, George Plafker, D. L. Campbell

Metallogenesis of Wrangellia Terrane, Eastern Alaska Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

W. J. Nokleberg, I. M. Lange

Post-Ellesmerian Depositional Sequences of Central North Slope Subsurface: ABSTRACT

William G. Noonan

Strength and Durability Properties of Core Lithologies from Coal-Bearing Tyonek Formation, Cook Inlet Region, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Jack K. Odum

Facies Analysis and Correlation in Lisburne Development Area, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT

L. E. Okland, D. K. Chancey, J. G. Cvitash, M. E. Klingler, O. P. Majewske, R. T. Owens, D. C. Shafer, M. T. Smith

Depositional Setting and Reservoir Geology of Kuparuk River Oil Field, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Chester E. Paris, D. W. Masterson

Lithological and Geochemical Facies of Shublik Formation (Triassic), North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Judith Totman Parrish

Diagenetic Variations in Permo-Triassic Ivishak Sandstone in Prudhoe Bay Field and Central-Northeastern National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA): ABSTRACT

Janie H. Payne

Nuclear Well Logging in Permafrost: ABSTRACT

John K. Petersen, Koji Kawasaki, T. E. Osterkamp, James H. Scott

Late-Stage High-Angle Faulting, Eastern Doonerak Window, Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. C. Phelps, J. S. Oldow, H. G. Ave Lallemant, F. E. Julian, C. M. Seidensticker, K. W. Boler, R. Gottschalk

Reconnaissance Oxygen Isotope Study of Gold-Bearing Quartz Veins Within Metasedimentary Rocks of Valdez Group, Alaska: ABSTRACT

W. J. Pickthorn, R. J. Goldfarb, D. L. Leach

Paleomagnetic Results from the Sadlerochit and Shublik Mountains, Arctic National Wildlife Range (ANWR), and Other North Slope Sites, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Peter W. Plumley, I. L. Tailleur

Marine Magnetic Survey of Kachemak Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT

David B. Prindle

Satellite Transmission of Geologic Data from the Ocean Odyssey: ABSTRACT

Frank Raffaldi, David Lovenvirth

Chemical and Petrographic Characterization of Drill Core from Beluga Coalfield: ABSTRACT

P. D. Rao, J. S. Youtcheff, J. E. Smith

Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: New Evidence for Complex Thin-Skinned Thrusting: ABSTRACT

R. P. Rattey

Description and Mineralogy of Tertiary Volcanic Ash Partings and Their Relationship to Coal Seams, Near Homer, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Linda M. Reinink-Smith

Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Slope-Sequence, Northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Timothy J. Ryherd, Chester E. Paris

Coal in National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA): Framework Geology and Resources: ABSTRACT

Edward G. Sable, Gary D. Stricker

Terrane-Capture Concept for the Origin of the Aleutian-Bering Sea Region--Implications for Petroleum Resources in the Deep-Water Aleutian Basin: ABSTRACT

David W. Scholl, Alan K. Cooper, Michael S. Marlow

Investigation of Source Rock-Crude Oil Relationships in North Slope Hydrocarbon Habitat: ABSTRACT

R. A. Sedivy, I. E. Penfield, H. I. Halpern, R. J. Drozd, G. A. Cole, R. Burwood

Lateral Continuity of the Blarney Creek Thrust, Doonerak Window, Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

C. M. Seidensticker, F. E. Julian, J. C. Phelps, J. S. Oldow, H. G. Ave Lallemant

Tectonic Evolution of the Transverse Ranges of Southern California: ABSTRACT

Jack R. Sheehan

Phosphatic Glauconitic Sandstone and Oncolite Deposition at the Upper Paleozoic Base of Etivluk Group, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Jerome P. Siok, C. G. Mull

Water Resources of the North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Charles E. Sloan

Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic Reconstruction of the Arctic: ABSTRACT

D. G. Smith

Gravity Data from the Wiseman Quadrangle, South -Central Brooks Range: ABSTRACT

D. T. Smith

Plant Megafossil Biostratigraphy and the Late Cretaceous Environment of the North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

R. A. Spicer

Mississippian Alaska-Siberian Connection: Evidence from Plant Megafossils: ABSTRACT

R. A. Spicer, B. A. Thomas

McArthur River Field--A Cook Inlet Giant: ABSTRACT

R. B. Stickney, R. C. Warthen

Paleomagnetism, Paleolatitudes, and Magnetic Overprinting on the North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

D. B. Stone

Structural Features Controlling Emplacement of Gold-Bearing Quartz Veins in Port Wells Mining District, Prince William Sound, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Kurt Stuwe

Tin Creek Zinc, Lead, and Silver Skarn Prospects, Farewell Mineral Belt, Alaska: ABSTRACT

David J. Szumigala

A Framework for North Slope Seminar II: ABSTRACT

I. L. Tailleur

Tectonic Implications of Paleomagnetism of Paleogene Volcanic Rocks on the Alaska Peninsula: ABSTRACT

Gordon A. Thrupp, R. S. Coe

Offshore Evidence of Glaciations in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Dennis K. Thurston

Paleoenvironments of Forbes Formation: ABSTRACT

Edward Trosper, Robert Douglas

Suspect Terrains of Alaska: Evolution Without Microplate Accretion: ABSTRACT

Thomas R. Turner

Transient Electromagnetic Detection of Subsea Permafrost near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Gerald G. Walker, K. Kawasaki, T. E. Osterkamp

Placer and Lode Sources of Niobium: Tofty, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. D. Warner, D. D. Southworth

West Sak and Ugnu Sands: Low-Gravity Oil Zones of the Kuparuk River Area, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Michael R. Werner

Paleomagnetism of Early Tertiary Alaska Peninsula Rocks and Implications for Docking of Peninsular Terrane: ABSTRACT

John W. Whitney, Richard A. Levinson, David R. Van Alstine

Method and Application of Faciolog Technique to Geological Problems: ABSTRACT

R. E. Widdicombe, M. E. Mulhern, J. E. Senecal

Some Palynological Aspects of Oligocene to Early Miocene Transition in Southern Alaska: ABSTRACT

Virgil D. Wiggins

Comparison of Two Suites of Okpikruak Formation: A Point-Count Analysis: ABSTRACT

Steve Wilbur, Jerome P. Siok, Charles C. Mull

Meshik and Aleutian Arcs--Tertiary Volcanism on Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Frederic H. Wilson

Lateral Variability in Coals in Western North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

J. S. Youtcheff, P. D. Rao, J. E. Smith