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AAPG Bulletin
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Prospect risk, pot odds, and efficient drill or no-drill decision making: What the exploration business can learn from high-stakes poker
Frank J. Peel
Quantitative seismic geomorphology of the middle Frio fluvial systems, south Texas, United States
Hamed Z. El-Mowafy, Kurt J. Marfurt
A Pliocene–Quaternary analogue for ancient epeiric carbonate settings: The Malita intrashelf basin (Bonaparte Basin, northwest Australia)
Simon Courgeon, Julien Bourget, Stephan J. Jorry
Impacts of hydrothermal dolomitization and thermochemical sulfate reduction on secondary porosity creation in deeply buried carbonates: A case study from the Lower Saxony Basin, northwest Germany
Bianca C. Biehl, Lars Reuning, Johannes Schoenherr, Volker Lüders, Peter A. Kukla
Constraining burial history and petroleum charge in exhumed basins: New insights from the Illizi Basin, Algeria
Kara L. English, Jonathan Redfern, Dermot V. Corcoran, Joseph M. English, Rachida Yahia Cherif
Depositional controls on sediment body architecture in the Eagle Ford/Boquillas system: Insights from outcrops in west Texas, United States
Gregory Frébourg, Stephen C. Ruppel, Robert G. Loucks, Josh Lambert
Petroleum generation kinetics: Single versus multiple heating-ramp open-system pyrolysis: Discussion
Douglas W. Waples
Petroleum generation kinetics: Single versus multiple heating-ramp open-system pyrolysis: Reply
K. E. Peters, A. K. Burnham, C. C. Walters
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