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AAPG Bulletin
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Exploration benchmarking to establish the potential of two hydrocarbon plays in the Pelotas and Punta del Este Basins, offshore Uruguay
David A. Pollitt, Shaoqing Sun
Drilling an exploration prospect downdip: Quantifying the trade-offs between chance of success and associated resource potential
Mark Schneider, Gary P. Citron, Paul Haryott, David Cook
Sedimentological and geochemical insights into the opening of the Cretaceous interior seaway: The Lower Cretaceous Skull Creek Formation, Colorado
Patrick M. Sullivan, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Brian T. Hankins, James W. Hagadorn
Secondary porosity generation in sandstones constrained by the fault movement, fluid flow, and mudstone–sandstone interactions, offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China
Huan Li, Hongtao Zhu, Xiaofeng Du, Xianghua Yang
An integrated chemostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic analysis of extended (>1000 ft) lower Permian Wolfcamp cores, Reagan County, southern Midland Basin
Benjamin H. Richards, Matthew Wehner, Michael C. Pope, Arthur D. Donovan
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