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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Regional Pattern of Thermal Maturation as Determined from Coal-Rank Studies, Rocky Mountain Foothills and Front Ranges North of Grande Cache, Alberta -- Implications for Petroleum Exploration
Wolfgang Kalkreuth, Margaret E. Mcmechan
Clay Mineralogy and Clay-Mineral Provenance of Cretaceous and Paleogene Strata, Labrador and Baffin Shelves
Richard N. Hiscott
Effect of Mineral Transformation on Porosity and Permeability of Dolomite Rock During in Situ Recovery of Bitumen: A Preliminary Study
Witold Kubacki, Jan Boon, Gordon Bird, Brian Wiwchar
Geochemical Character and Origin of Ontario Oils
T. G. Powell, R. W. Macqueen, J. F. Barker, D. G. Bree
The Geochemistry and Origin of Natural Gases in Southern Ontario
J.F. Barker, S.J. Pollock
A Comparison of RockEval Pyrolysis and Solvent Extract Results from the Collingwood and Kettle Point Oil Shales, Ontario
Lloyd R. Snowdon
A Procedure for Digitizing Small-Scale Geologic Features Directly from Hand Sample or Core, Using a Microcomputer System: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
David R. Kobluk
Cardium Formation 1. "Cardium, a Turbidity Current Deposit" (Beach, 1955): a Brief History of Ideas Cardium Formation 3. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy in the Garrington-Caroline Area, Alberta: DISCUSSION
C. W. Hunt
Cardium Formation 1. "Cardium, a Turbidity Current Deposit" (Beach, 1955): a Brief History of Ideas Cardium Formation 3. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy in the Garrington-Caroline Area, Alberta: REPLY
Roger G. Walker