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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GCAGS Transactions
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Abstract: A Comparison of Exploration Advantages of the Independent Geologist with those of the Company-Employed Geologist
Louie Sebring, Jr.
Abstract: Cox and Hamon Field, Duval County, Texas
Willis Storm , J. H. Hensley , Bernard W. Reiss
Abstract: Exploration and Discovery of Santa Ana Structure Golfo De Campeche, Tabasco, Mexico
P. E. Narvarte
Abstract: Middle Tokio Unconformity
Carl E. Thorsen
Abstract: Short Resume of the Wilcox Exploration Program of Northeast Mexico
Lauro A. Yzaguirre
Abstract: Stratigraphically Useful Cretaceous Microfossils-Incertae Sedis
R. P. Zingula
Abstract: Stratigraphy of the Fredericksburg Division in South-Central Texas
Clyde H. Moore
Abstract: The Arnold-David Field, Nueces County, Texas
R. W. Wilson , Joe E. Hedge
Abstract: Waterflood Performance of the Lopez Field, Webb and Duval Counties, Texas
Gilbert M. Andreen , Harold Vagtbord, Jr. , Robert V. West, Jr.
Calhoun Field Jackson, Lincoln, Ouachita Parishes, Louisiana
B. F. Pate, R. N. Goodwin
Cook Field, Dewitt County, Texas
Richard L. Scheig
Fault Closure-Type Fields, Southeast Louisiana
Hunt Perkins
Geology of the Eagle Mills Formation
K. R. Scott, W. E. Hayes, R. P. Fietz
Geology of the Monterrey Area, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
James R. Wall , Grover E. Murray , Teodoro Diaz
Gravity and Magnetism of the Ouachita Structural Belt in Central Texas
Joel S. Watkins, Jr
Growth Faults of South Louisiana
Rayburn D. Ocamb
Indigenous Pleistocene Production in Offshore Louisiana
Donald I. Andrews
Late Pleistocene Deposits in the Vicinity of Houston, Texas: A Preliminary Investigation
Jules R. DuBar , Gordon Clopine
Limestone in the Heterostegina Zone (Oligocene-Miocene) on Damon Mound Salt Dome, Brazoria County, Texas
Eva O. Ballard
Outline of Geological History of Mississippi
E. H. Rainwater
Peters and North Peters (Queen City) Fields
Harry W. Miller
Point-Bar Deposits, Old River Locksite, Louisiana
D. E. Frazier, A. Osanik
Port Acres and Port Arthur Fields Jefferson County, Texas
Michael T. Halbouty , Thomas D. Barber
Stratigraphic Names in the Midway and Wilcox Groups of the Gulf Coastal Plain
W. L. Fisher
Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous (Subsurface) of South Texas
Jan. A. Winter
Tectonics of Parras Basin, States of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Alfred E. Weidie, Jr. , Grover E. Murray
Variations in Gas-Water Contacts of Crescent Farms Field Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Fred E. Simmons, Jr.