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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Grand Junction Geological Society
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The Bollan Stegosaurus
Harold R. Bollan
Centrosaurus Remains from the Barnard Quarry Near Rangely, Colorado
Robert G. Young, Harold R. Bollan
A Dinosaur Nest in the Jurassic Morrison Formation, Western Colorado
Robert G. Young
Discovering an Iguanodon
Marjorie E. Averett
The Dry Mesa Dinosaur Quarry, Mesa County, Colorado
Wade E. Miller, James L. Baer, Kenneth L. Stadtman, Brooks B. Britt
Egg-Siting (or) First Jurassic Dinosaur Egg from Emery County, Utah
James H. Madsen, Jr.
Guidebook for Dinosaur Quarries and Tracksites Tour: Western Colorado and Eastern Utah; Frontmatter and Roadlogs
Walter R. Averett, Craig S. Goodknight, W. L. Chenoweth, W. A. Girdley, D. B. Ertel, Robert G. Young, Susan L. Knutson
The Long Walk Quarry and Tracksite: Unveiling the Mysterious Early Cretaceous of the Dinosaur Triangle Region
Frank L. DeCourten
The Mill Canyon Dinosaur Trail
Julie Howard
The Moab Megatracksite: A Preliminary Description and Discussion of Millions of Middle Jurassic Tracks in Eastern Utah
Martin G. Lockley
The Mygatt-Moore Quarry, Rabbit Valley, Mesa County, Colorado
Peter Mygatt
A Plesiosaur from the Upper Mancos Shale
Bonnie R. Carter
Progress Report of Juvenile and Embryonic Dryosaurus Remains from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Colorado
Rodney D. Scheetz
Relocating Elmer Riggs’ Quarry No. 12
William L. Chenoweth