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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Grain-Size Analysis of Jacksonian Sediments of Mississippi and Adjacent Areas
Ming-Shan Sun
The Origin of Calcareous Ooliths
P. H. Monaghan, Melba L. Lytle
An Application of the Theory of Sediment Transport by Turbidity Currents to the Dredging of Navigable Channels
John S. Bradley
An Application of the Theory of Sediment Transport by Turbidity Currents to the Dredging of Navigable Channels: DISCUSSION
J. L. Hough
Clay Minerals from the Rot Member of the Triassic Near Gottingen, Germany
Friedrich Lippmann
Estimation of Recent Sediment Size Parameters from a Triangular Diagram
William J. Plumley, Donald H. Davis
Soil Boulders in the Temecula Arkose: NOTES
John F. Mann, Jr.
Lower Limits to the So Coefficient: NOTES
William F. Tanner
Estimation of Percentages in Thin Sections--Considerations of Visual Psychology: NOTES
John Eliot Allen
A Hand Auger for Boring Recent Sediments: NOTES
James P. Morgan, William G. Mcintire
The Preparation of Thin Sections of Well Cuttings: NOTES
Ross Hickam
The Role of Texture and Composition in Sandstone Classification: DISCUSSION
Robert L. Folk
2. Flume Experiments on the Production of Stratification and Cross-stratification
Edwin D. Mckee
3. Sand-grain Orientation and Geological Application
Gene A. Rusnak
4. Grain Orientation Studies of Recent Sands
Joseph R. Curray
5. Directional Properties of Some California Sandstones
L. C. Bonham
6. Oriented Phenomena Produced by Sedimentation from Turbidity Currents and in Subaqueous Slope Deposits
John E. Sanders
7. Tracing Turbidity Current Deposits Down the Slope of an Alpine Basin
Albert Carozzi
1. Ecological Interpretations of the Pliocene and Pleistocene Stratigraphy in the Great Great Plains Region
John C. Frye (), A. Byron Leonard
2. Problem of Scientific Nomenclature Applicable to Fragmentary Fossils
Raymond C. Moore, P. C. Sylvester-Bradley ()
3. Significance of Living Foraminiferal Populations Along the Central Texas Coast
Fred B. Phleger
4. Paleoecology of the Florida Miocene
Harbans S. Puri (), Robert O. Vernon
5. Sedimentary Reflections of the Depositional Environment in a coastal Lagoon
Harris B. Stewart, Jr.
6. Recent and Ancient Penetrants
Maxim K. Elias
7. Marine Ecology as an Aid in the Teaching of Invertebrate Paleontology and Stratigraphy
William H. Matthews III
1. Introductory Remarks
Robert R. Shrock
3. Marine Level-bottom Animal Communities of Recent Seas
Gunnar Thorson
4. Conditions of Life in the Sea
Joel W. Hedgpeth
5. Paleoecological Evidence Furnished by Fossils
Harry S. Ladd
6. Paleoecological Evidence from Sediments
Bernhard Kummel
7. Diatoms as Paleoecological Indicators
Kenneth E. Lohman
8. New Techniques in Paleoecology
Philip H. Abelson
1. Uniformitarianism is a Dangerous Doctrine
Paul D. Krynine
2. Tertiary Reef Limestones from Southern Louisiana and Guam
Mclain J. Forman (), Seymour O. Schlanger
3. The Mineralogy of the Funafuti Drill Cores and its Bearing on the Physicochemistry of Dolomite
Robert F. Schmalz
4. Heavy-mineral Assemblages of the Coral-reef Limestones at the Base of the Trichinopoly Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Danian), South India
C. Gundu Rao
5. Petrography and Genesis of the Ogallala "Algal Limestone" in Kansas and Adjacent States
Ada Swineford (), John C. Frye, A. Byron Leonard
6. Shelfedge, Calcareous Prominences in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
John C. Ludwick (), William R. Walton
7. Silurian Reefs of the Northern Edge of the Eastern Interior Basin
John B. Sangree, Jr.
8. Transitional Permo-Pennsylvanian Sediments of the Rowemora Basin, New Mexico
Raymond Sidwell, G. Frederick Warn ()
1. Alice in Graywackeland
Paul D. Krynine
2. Petrologic Analysis of a Stratigraphic Type Oil Field in West Central Texas
Morton K. Blaustein
3. Permeability Loss from Swelling of Matrix Clays in Sub-gray-wackes
G. Harvey Hamilton, George R. Downs ()
4. Differential Compaction of Pennsylvanian Sediments in Relation to Sand-shale Ratios, Jefferson County, Illinois
Joseph C. Mueller (), Harold R. Wanless
5. Clay-mineral Composition of Recent Sediments from the Mississippi River Delta
W. D. Johns, Jr. (), R. E. Grim
6. Environmental Conditions Affecting the Deposition of Beach Sands Between Virginia and Florida
Suzanne F. Bershad (), John K. Duncan
7. Middle Paleozoic Tectonic History of North-central and Northwestern Utah
James E. Brooks
8. Triassic in the Eastern Great Basin
David L. Clark, (), William Lee Stokes
1. The Identification of Ostracode Genera and Species in Thin Sections
Stuart A. Levinson
2. A Faunule of Unusual Nonmarine Ostracoda from the Pliocene of Idaho
Daniel J. Jones (), Norman R. Anderson
3. Conodonts from the Type Chester, Illinois
Carl B. Rexroad
4. Upper Devonian Substages and their World-wide Correlation on the Basis of Conodonts
Klaus J. Muller
5. Specific Variations Among Arenaceous Silurian Foraminifera from Illinois
Howard Schwalb (), Charles Collinson
6. Acanthocladia Guadalupensis Girty, A Possible Algal Bryozoan Symbiot
J. Keith Rigby
7. Dendraster: A Problem in Echinoid Taxonomy
D. M. Raup