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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Concepts in the Study of Biogenic Sedimentary Structures

Robert W. Frey

The Sedimentologic and Paleoecologic Significance of Lithotrya, a Rock-Boring Barnacle

Wayne M. Ahr, Robert J. Stanton, Jr.

Burrows of the Ghost Crab Ocypode Quadrata (Fabricius) on the Barrier Islands, South-Central Texas Coast

Gary W. Hill, Ralph E. Hunter

CLiff Sapping by Molluscs in Oman

C. Vita-Finzi, P. F. S. Cornelius

Examination of Textures and Structures of Mud in Layered Sediments at the Entrance of a Georgia Tidal Inlet

George F. Oertel

Aspects of Sedimentation and Development of a Carbonate Bank in the Barracuda Keys, South Florida

Paul B. Basan

Carbon Isotope Composition of Diagenetic Carbonate Nodules from Freshwater Swamp Sediments

Thomas Whelan, III, Harry H. Roberts

Organic and Inorganic Factors in Recent Beach Rock Formation, Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef

Peter J. Davies , D. W. Kinsey

Recent Dedolomization and the Origin of the Rusty Crusts of Northumberland

W. S. Al-Hashimi , J. E. Hemingway

The Moenkopi Formation of North-Central Arizona: An Interpretation of Ancient Environments Based Upon Sedimentary Structures and Stratification Types

E. Joan Baldwin

Petrology and Stratigraphy of the Epitaph Dolomite (Permian) in the Tombstone Hills, Cochise County, Arizona

Susan Patch

Syntaxial Calcite Borders on Dolomite Crystals, Little Falls Formation (Upper Cambrian), New York

Donald H. Zenger

Sedimentation of Deep Water Conglomerates in Lower Ordovician Rocks of Quebec-Composite Bedding Produce by Progressive Liquefaction of Sediment?

Hugh E. Hendry

The American Upper Ordovician Standard. XVII: Areal Variation of Limestone Frequencies in the Kope and Fairview Formations, Hamilton County, Ohio

Robert H. Osborne

Open-Cast Slump Sheets and their Relationship to Sandstone Beds in an Upper Cambrian Flysch Sequence, Tasmania

Keith D. Corbett

Algal Stromatolites of the Early Proterozoic Wolkberg Group, Transvaal Sequence

Andrew Button

The St. Clair River Delta: Sedimentary Characteristics and Depositional Environments

J. M. Pezzetta

Surf Zone Shape Changes in Quartz Grains on Pocket Beaches, Cape Arago, Oregon

C. J. F. Rottmann

A Wave Tank Analysis of the Beach Foreshore Grain Size Distribution

J. R. Kolmer

A Note on Asymmetrical Structures Caused by Differential Wind Erosion of a Damp, Sandy Forebeach

Richard W. Berry

Zone of Influence--Inner Continental Shelf of Georgia

Gary N. Bigham

Surface Sediments of the Gulf of Panama

Joseph C. MacIlvaine, David A. Ross

Continental-shelf Sediments Off New Jersey

William M. Frank , Gerald M. Friedman

Textural Changes as an Indicator of Sediment Dispersion in the Northeastern Channel Island Passages, California

James S. Booth

Argentine Basin Sediment Sources as Indicated by Quartz Surface Textures

David Krinsley, Pierre E. Biscaye, Karl K. Turekian

Environmental and Climatic Controlled Fractionation of Elements in the Mesozoic Carbonate Sequences of the Western Carpathians

Jan Veizer, Rudolf Demovic

Alkalinity Determination in Interstitial Waters of Marine Sediments

Joris M. Gieskes, W. Carl Rogers

Vanished Evaporites--Significance of Strontium Minerals

Ian West

Correlative Light Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Minerals: A Methodology Study

L. P. Wilding, H. D. Geissinger

Changes in Clay Mineral Assemblages by Sampler Type

Frederic R. Siegel, J. W. Pierce

Instant Peels Using Polyester Resin

John Ostler, I. P. Martini

Ultra-Thin Thin Sections In Carbonate Petrology: A Valuable Tool

R. C. Lindholm, D. A. Dean

Impregnation of Fine-Grained Sediments with a Polyester Resin: A Modification of Altemuller's Method

Gail M. Ashley