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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Authigenic Clays in Sandstones: Recognition and Influence on Reservoir Properties and Paleoenvironmental Analysis
Michael D. Wilson, Edward D. Pittman
Depositional Environment of the St. Peter Sandstone Deduced by Textural Analysis
E. J. Amaral, W. A. Pryor
Petrology, Transport, and Environment in Isochronous Upper Devonian Sandstone and Siltstone Units, New York
Frank G. Ethridge
Diagenesis of the Mt. Simon and Rose Run Sandstones in Western West Virginia and Southern Ohio
M. T. Heald, G. F. Baker
Lithofacies of the Blakeley Formation, Kitsap County, Washington: A Submarine Fan Complex?
Hugh McLean
Paleoclimate Interpretation from a Petrographic Comparison of Holocene Sands and the Fountain Formation (Pennsylvanian) in the Colorado Front Range
Gregory H. Mack, Lee J. Suttner
Dish Structures Formed by Fluid Escape in Jurassic Shallow Marine Sandstones
C. A. Rautman , R. H. Dott, Jr.
Nonmarine Triassic Sedimentation, Central High Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Allen F. Mattis
Genesis of Liassic Shallow and Deep Water Rhythms Central High Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Ian Evans, Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, John C. Butler
Pierre Feces: A Scatological Study of the Dakoticancer Assemblage, Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous) of South Dakota
Gale A. Bishop
Petrology of Volcanic Sedimentary Rocks, Vieja Group, Southern Rim Rock Country, Trans-Pecos Texas
Anthony W. Walton
Silica Mineral Diagenesis in Neogene Tertiary Shales in the Tempoku District, Hokkaido, Japan
Kiyohiro Mitsui, Kazuo Taguchi
Temporal Variations in Beach and Nearhore Dynamics
E. H. Owens
Ridge and Runnel Systems in the Magdalen Islands, Quebec
E. H. Owens , D. H. Frobel
Offshore Geology and Sediment Distribution of the El Capitan-Gaviota Continental Shelf, Northern Santa Barbara Channel, California
R. J. Ashley, R. W. Berry, P. J. Fischer
Suspended Particulate Matter in the New York Bight Apex, Fall 1973
David E. Drake
Clay-Mineral Variability in the Suspended Sediments of the San Francisco Bay System, California
Harley J. Knebel, T. John Conomos, Judith A. Commeau
Clay Mineral Segregation in the Marine Environment
Ronald J. Gibbs
Identification of Mineral Particles in Fine Grained Lacustrine Sediments with Transmission Electron Microscope and X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
A. Mudroch , A. J. Zeman, R. Sandilands
Relation Between Variability in Grain Size and Area of Samples on a Carbonate Sand Beach
John C. Davis, Curtis D. Conley
Paleohydraulic Interpretation of Antidune Bedforms with Applications to Antidunes in Gravel
John Shaw , Rolf Kellerhals
Greensand Fecal Pellets from New Jersey
Paul S. Boyer, Edward A. Guinness , Michael A. Lynch-Blosse , Robert A. Stolzman
A Grain Size Spectra Map
John J. Dowling
Population Breaks in Grain-Size Distributions of Sand--A Theoretical Model
Kweku-Mensah O. Sagoe, Glenn S. Visher
Mass-Spring-Damper System as the Mathematical Model for the Pattern of Sand Movement for an Eroding Beach Around Digha, West Bengal, India
A. Chakrabarti
Studies on Wind and Plant Interactions on French Atlantic Coastal Dunes
Catherine Bressolier, Yves-F. Thomas
Biogenic Sedimentary Structures Formed By Rays
James D. Howard, Taylor V. Mayou, Richard W. Heard
Factors Controlling the Formation of Microspar in the Bromide Formation
Mark W. Longman
Petrology and Development of Algal Banks in the Millersville Limestone Member (Bond Formation, Upper Pennsylvanian) of the Illinois Basin
James R. Welch
Biofacies and Development and Differential Occlusion of Porosity in A Lower Cretaceous (Edwards) Reef
Alonzo D. Jacka, John P. Brand
Shelf Basin Sedimentation: Mixing and Diagenesis of Pelagic and Clastic Turonian Carbonates, Israel
Amos Bein
Shrunken (Geopetal) Ooids: Evidence of Origin Unrelated to Carbonate-Evaporite Diagenesis
S. J. Mazzullo
Competitive Algal Colonization of Peritidal Flats in a Schizohaline Environment: The Lower Ordovician of New York
S. J. Mazzullo, Gerald M. Friedman
The Relationship Between Carbonate Mineralogy and Grain Size in Two Alpine Lakes
Stephen K. Kennedy, Norman D. Smith
Orientation of Orthocones in the English Lake District Based on Field Observations and Experimental Work in a Flume
P. Loubere
Biogenic Influence on Growth of Manganese Nodules
Brent K. Dugolinsky, Stanley V. Margolis, Walter C. Dudley
Effect of Tube-Building Polychaetes on Intertidal Sediments of the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy
Raymond P. Featherstone , M. J. Risk
The Origin and Evolution of Brine in Coastal Sabkhas, Northern Sinai
Yitzhak Levy
Description and Mode of Formation of the Supratidal Evaporite Facies in Northern Sinai Coastal Plain
Yitzhak Levy
Stratigraphic Analysis of the Navajo Sandstone: DISCUSSION
M. Dane Picard
Stratigraphic Analysis of the Navajo Sandstone: DISCUSSION
R. L. Folk
Stratigraphic Analysis of the Navajo Sandstone: DISCUSSION
James R. Steidtmann
Stratigraphic Analysis of the Navajo Sandstone: DISCUSSION
Kenneth Ruzyla
Stratigraphic Analysis of the Navajo Sandstone: REPLY
Glenn S. Visher, William E. Freeman