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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Intracrystalline Alteration of Low-Magnesian Calcite Cement in the Devonian Pillara Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Vicki A. Pedone , J. A. D. Dickson , William J. Meyers
The Influence of Sponge Borings on Aragonite-to-Calcite Inversion in Late Pleistocene Strombus Gigas from Grand Cayman, British West Indies
Jill Rehman , Brian Jones , T. H. Hagan , M. Coniglio
Water-Rock Interaction During Meteoric Flushing of a Limestone: Implications for Porosity Development in Karstified Petroleum Reservoirs
P. C. Smalley , P. K. Bishop (), J. A. D. Dickson , D. Emery
Nonmarine Evaporitic Sedimentation and Associated Diagenetic Processes of the Southwestern Margin of the Ebro Basin (Lower Miocene), Spain
Josep M. Salvany , Arsenio Munoz , Antonio Perez
Traction-Carpet Stratification in Turbidites-Fact or Fiction?
Richard N. Hiscott
Loss of Capacity, Not Competence, As the Fundamental Process Governing Deposition from Turbidity Currents
Richard N. Hiscott
Rock-Type Controls on Downstream Changes in Clast Parameters in Sandur Systems in Southeast Iceland
David Huddart
Low Depositional Porosity in Eolian Sands and Sandstones, Namib Desert
Warren W. Dickinson , John D. Ward ()
Deposits of Deflected and Ponded Turbidityents, Currents, Sorbas Basin, Southeast Spain
Peter D. W. Haughton ()
Bed Forms in Submarine Channels: Comparison of Ancient Examples from Greece with Studies of Recent Turbidite Systems
David J. W. Piper , N. Kontopoulos
Flute-Like Marks and Associated Structures from the Carboniferous Port Hood Formation of Eastern Canada: Evidence of Secondary Origin in Association with Sediment Intrusion
Dave G. Keighley, Ron K. Pickerill
Well Preserved Late Precambrian Paleosols from Northwest Scotland
Gregory J. Retallack , A. Mindszenty
Ripple Marks in Quartz Arenites of the Hurwitz Group, Northwest Territories, Canada: Evidence for Sedimentation in a Vast, Early Proterozoic, Shallow, Fresh-Water Lake
Lawrence B. Aspler , Jeffrey R. Chiarenzelli , Terry L. Bursey
Upper Proterozoic Carbonate Stratigraphy, Diagenesis, and Stromatolitic Phosphorite Formation, Irece Basin, Bahia, Brazil
Aroldo Misi, J. Richard Kyle
Temperatures of Quartz Cementation in Jurassic Sandstones from the Norwegian Continental Shelf--Evidence from Fluid Inclusions
Olav Walderhaug
Precipitation Rates for Quartz Cement in Sandstones Determined by Fluid-Inclusion Microthermometry and Temperature-History Modeling
Olav Walderhaug
Quantification of Quartz Cements Using Combined Sem, CL, and Image Analysis
Jonathan Evans , Andrew J. C. Hogg , Mark S. Hopkins, Richard J. Howarth
Petrographic and Geochemical Constraints on the Formation and Diagenesis of Anhydrite Cements, Smackover Sandstones, Gulf of Mexico
S. I. Dworkin , L. S. Land
Differential Mobility of Elements in Burial Diagenesis of Siliciclastic Rocks
Robert P. Wintsch, Cindy M. Kvale
Petrographic, Geochemical, and Isotopic Constraints on the Provenance of the Early Proterozoic Chelmsford Formation, Sudbury Basin, Ontario
D. K. McDaniel, S. R. Hemming, S. M. McLennan, G. N. Hanson
Eruption-Controlled Epiclastic Sedimentation in a Devonian Trench-Slope Basin: Evidence from Sandstone Petrofacies, Klamath Mountains, California
E. Timothy Wallin, David W. Trabert
Clay-Mineral Suites in Cyclic Miocene Sediments: A Model for Continental-Margin Deposition in a Mixed Siliciclastic-Phosphatic-Dolomitic-Biogenic System
Mead A. Allison , Stanley R. Riggs
A Reappraisal of Dolomite Abundance and Occurrence in the Phanerozoic: PERSPECTIVE
S. Qing Sun
Early Devonian Marine Isotopic Signatures: Brachiopods from the Upper Gaspe Limestones, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, Canada: DISCUSSION
Nicholas R. Bates
Early Devonian Marine Isotopic Signatures: Brachiopods from the Upper Gaspe Limestones, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, Canada: REPLY
Denis Lavoie
The Hydrogeochemistry of Early Meteoric Diagenesis in a Holocene Deposit of Biogenic Carbonates: DISCUSSION
David A. Budd
The Hydrogeochemistry of Early Meteoric Diagenesis in a Holocene Deposit of Biogenic Carbonates: REPLY
Michael E. McClain, () Peter K. Swart, () H. L. Vacher
Vaterite (an Uncommon Polymorph of CaCO3): Occurrences in Boreholes Demonstrate Unexpected Longevity: DISCUSSION
Ervin G. Otvos
Vaterite (an Uncommon Polymorph of CaCO3): Occurrences in Boreholes Demonstrate Unexpected Longevity: REPLY
Gerald M. Friedman , Douglas J. Schultz
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Base-Level Change on Fluvial, Coastal Plain and Shelf Systems
John E. Koss, Frank G. Ethridge, S.A. Schumm
Modern Shoreface and Inner-Shelf Storm Deposits Off the East Texas Coast, Gulf of Mexico
Fernando P. Siringan (), John B. Anderson
Peritidal Carbonate Platform Growth and Cyclicity in an Early Proterozoic Foreland Basin, Upper Pethei Group, Northwest Canada
Terry T. Sami, Noel P. James
The Foreslope and Toe-of-Slope Facies of the Middle Triassic Latemar Buildup (Dolomites, Northern Italy)
Mark T. Harris
Reconstructing Fluvial Macroform Architecture from Two-Dimensional Outcrops: Examples from the Castlegate Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Utah
Andrew D. Miall
Fine-Grained Splay Deposition in the Avulsion Belt of the Lower Saskatchewan River, Canada
Norman D. Smith , Marta Perez-Arlucea
Stratigraphic Constraints on the Development and Timing of Arc-Continent Collision in Northern Papua New Guinea
Lon D. Abbott, Eli A. Silver , Peter R. Thompson , Mark V. Filewicz , Cindy Schneider , Abdoerrias
Shannon Sandstone in Hartzog Draw-Heldt Draw Fields (Cretaceous, Wyoming, USA) Reinterpreted as Lowstand Shoreface Deposits
Katherine M. Bergman
Changes in Rate of Transgression Across the Permian White Rim Sandstone, Southern Utah
Diane L. Kamola , Jacqueline E. Huntoon
Mud-Flat Cycles, Incised Channels, and Relative Sea-Level Changes on a Paleocene Mud-Dominated Coast, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada
Brian D. Ricketts
Simulating the Three-Dimensional Distribution of Sediment Units in Braided-Stream Deposits: SPECIAL SECTION: AQUIFER STRATIGRAPHY
Erik K. Webb
High-Resolution Seismic Expression of Karst Evolution within the Upper Floridan Aquifer System: Crooked Lake, Polk County, Florida
Mark W. Evans , Stephen W. Snyder , Albert C. Hine
Architecture and Directional Scales of Heterogeneity in Alluvial-Fan Aquifers
Michael J. Neton (), Joachim Dorsch (), Christopher D. Olson (), Steven C. Young
Upper Cretaceous Depositional Sequences in the Alabama Gulf Coastal Plain: Their Characteristic, Origin, and Constituent Clastic Aquifers
David T. King, Jr.