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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Kansas Geological Society
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ABSTRACT: Acorn Field—a Plum in the Lansing-Kansas City Pudding
W. H. Sydow
ABSTRACT: An Application of High-Resolution Marine Chemostratigraphy as a Chronostratigraphic Control for "Mid" Cretaceous Oxygen-Isotope Records in Amalgamated Nonmarine Paleosols
T. S. White, G. A. Ludvigson, L. D. Young
ABSTRACT: An Economic Evaluation of the Hartshorne Coalbed Methane Play in Oklahoma
Matthew A. Biddick
ABSTRACT: An Innovative Horizontal Drilling Program Opens a New Exploration Play in Admire (Permian) Reservoirs of the Northern Denver Basin, Nebraska
Steven M. Goolsby, Don Pierini, Phil Kriz
ABSTRACT: A Regional Study of Sequences in the New Albany Shale of the Southeastern Illinois Basin (Indiana) with Gamma-Ray Logs and Well Cores
Priyanka Johri, Juergen Schieber
ABSTRACT: Bedrock Geology of Woodson County, Kansas
D. F. Merriam, Elizabeth Crouse
ABSTRACT: Big Basin Impact Craters of Western Kansas
Jan P. Cannon
ABSTRACT: Blind-Thrust Spiro Play—a Case History, Western Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma
Curtis L. Ditzell, Douglas B. Ostby
ABSTRACT: Changes in Patterns of Cyclicity in Upper Carboniferous through Lower Permian (Virgilian—Sakmarian) Depositional Sequences in the North American Midcontinent
Darwin R. Boardman II
ABSTRACT: Characterizing a Morrow Sandstone Reservoir through Stratigraphic Interpretation of 3-D Seismic Data, Sorrento Field, Colorado
Sandra Mark, Roger M. Slatt, David C. Rampton
ABSTRACT: Coal Geology and Underground-Mine Degasification Applied to Horizontal Drilling for Coalbed Methane
Samuel A. Friedman
ABSTRACT: Coal Resources and Coalbed Methane Potential in the Kansas Portion of the Forest City Basin
Lawrence L. Brady, Willard J. Guy
ABSTRACT: Computer Technology and the Petroleum Geologist, 1999
Sandra Mark
ABSTRACT: Depositional Facies and Petrophysical Properties of the Pennsylvanian Cottage Grove Sandstone Member (Osage—Layton Sand), Chanute Formation—East Newkirk Field, Cherokee Platform, Oklahoma
James R. Chaplin
ABSTRACT: Detailed Reservoir Modeling on a Basinwide Scale and Implications on the Decision-Making Process
Paul W. Smith, Walter J. Hendrickson, Ronald J. Woods, John V. Hogan, Charles E. Willey
ABSTRACT: Evaporite Karst in the Southern Midcontinent
Kenneth S. Johnson
ABSTRACT: Evidence for Hierarchy of Stratigraphic Forcing in the Upper Carboniferous (Virgilian, Wabaunsee Group) in the Anadarko Basin
Matthew W. Boyd, Darwin R. Boardman II
ABSTRACT: Halophyte Remediation of Brine-Impacted Oil and Gas Sites in Kansas
Bruce Langhus, M. L. Korphage, Frank Denoyelles
ABSTRACT: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Mississippian of the Appalachian and Illinois Basins
A. Al-Tawil, L. B. Smith, A. B. Khetani, T. Wynn, J. F. Read
ABSTRACT: History and Development of the Stewart Field, Finney County, Kansas
Stephen A. Sonnenberg
ABSTRACT: Intravalley Cut-and-Fill Structures in Lower Cretaceous Fluvial Strata of Colorado and Kansas—a Cause for Compartmentalization in Fluvial Reservoirs
John M. Holbrook
ABSTRACT: Is the Mississippian of Kansas a Viable Petroleum Target After a Century of Exploration?
Paul Gerlach, D. F. Merriam
ABSTRACT: Kansas Oil and Gas Exploration, a 10-year History and Future Strategies
Paul M. Gerlach
ABSTRACT: Microfabric Analysis of Cyclic Rhythmites—a Comparison of Modern and Ancient Samples
Marie D. Commisso, Allen W. Archer
ABSTRACT: Mississippian Stratigraphy of Southwestern Kansas—Some Correlations Resolved, Many Mysteries
Bob Slamal
ABSTRACT: Morrow Incised Paleovalley Production, Stateline Trend, Northern Anadarko Basin
Roderick W. Tillman
ABSTRACT: Pennsylvanian History of the Chautauqua Arch, Oklahoma and Kansas
Allan Bennison
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Potential of the Middle Proterozoic Midcontinent Rift System (MRS) in Iowa
Raymond R. Anderson
ABSTRACT: Prediction of Effective Porosity and Permeability in Mississippian Carbonates, Kansas
Willard J. Guy, Alan P. Byrnes, John H. Doveton, Evan K. Franseen
ABSTRACT: Progress in Development of Digital Geologic Maps Databases in Kansas
J. A. ROSS, D. R. Collins, E. L. Crouse
ABSTRACT: Relationships of MVT Mineralizations, Color-Altered Conodonts, Fluid Inclusions, "J"-Type Lead, and Migrating Oil-Field-Type Basinal Brines with Unconformity-Bounded Stratigraphic Sequences
Edwin D. Goebel
ABSTRACT: Resistivity Modeling and Neural Network Synthetics—Powerful New Exploration and Development Tools
Steven M. Goolsby, Jeff S. Arbogast
ABSTRACT: Sedimentary Architecture and Diagenesis of Modern Carbonate Sands in a Low-Energy Shelf Lagoon, Northern Belize—Modern Analog to Some Ancient Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Brian W. Wilhite
ABSTRACT: Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Morrow Formation—a Regional Study in the Western Anadarko Basin
J. R. Halverson, Calvin H. Stevens, David W. Andersen, John P. Brooke
ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Morrow in the Arroyo and Gentzler Fields of Southwestern Kansas
Abdulrahman M. I. Alissa, Timothy R. Carr
ABSTRACT: Significance of Accurate Carbonate Reservoir Definition and Delineation
Paul W. Smith, Walter J. Hendrickson, Ronald J. Woods
ABSTRACT: Small Closed Structural Lows—Unconventional Gas Exploration Targets in Northern Missouri
David C. Smith, Edith A. Starbuck
ABSTRACT: South Eubank Field—Successful Development of Deeper Reserves Using 3D Seismic
Ernie Morrison
ABSTRACT: State-of-the-Art of 3-D Seismic Technology—Integrated Multicomponent Characterization of Carbonate and Clastic Reservoirs
J. Edward Blott, John F. Arestad, Thomas L. Davis
ABSTRACT: Subsurface Structure and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Western Margin of the Hugoton Embayment, Morton County, Kansas
John F. Hopkins, Timothy R. Carr
ABSTRACT: Syndepositional Dolomitization of Shallow Marine Deposits, Cangrejo Shoals, Northern Belize
C. S. Teal
ABSTRACT: Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian of Southeastern New Mexico—Rejuvenation of Underdeveloped Fields Yields Major Reserves
Ronald F. Broadhead
ABSTRACT: Use of Gravity and Magnetics for Low-Cost Exploration and Development in Mature Areas Such as Kansas
Joseph M. Kruger, W. Lynn Watney, Ricardo A. Olea
ABSTRACT: ZOEI, a Computer Model to Calculate the Zone of Endangering Influence of Class 11 Injection Wells
Bruce Langhus, Alan Snider
Analysis of Structural Controls on the Development of the Upper Pennsylvanian Tonganoxie Incised Paleovalley System of Northeastern Kansas
Scott Beaty, W. Lynn Watney, Alex Martinez
Compartmentalization of the Overpressured Interval in the Anadarko Basin
Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Jim Puckette, Phebe Deyhim
Compliance with Oil and Gas Environmental Regulations During Periods of Low Oil Prices
William R. Bryson
Conglomerates Associated with Pennsylvanian Incised Valley-Fill Sequences of Eastern Kansas
Cecile G. Stephens, Ryan E. Rutherford, Allyn S. Polson Jr., Marie D. Commisso, Allen W. Archer
Constraining Permeability Field to Engineering Data: an Innovative Approach in Reservoir Characterization
Hisham Al-Qassab
Contributions from Migrating Oil-Field Brines to Carboniferous Beds in the U.S. Midwest
Raymond M. Coveney Jr.
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: First Integrated Petroleum Production and Refining West of the Mississippi River
John C. Gries, James R. Underwood, Jr.
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Lansing Reef and Stratigraphic Trapping on the Slope Front in the Douglas and "Tonkawa" at the Edge of the Hugoton Platform
John V. Hogan, Walter J. Hendrickson, Paul W. Smith, Charles E. Willey, Ronald J. Woods
Integrated Petrophysical Methods for the Analysis of Reservoir Microarchitecture—a Kansas Chester Sandstone Case Study
John H. Doveton
Kansas Geological Survey's New Initiative in the Manhattan 1° × 2° Quadrangle, Northeastern Kansas
Pieter Berendsen
Occurrence and Development of Petroleum in Nebraska
Marvin P. Carlson, Raymond R. Burchett, William H. Sydow
Oklahoma Coalbed Methane—From Mine Explosion to Gas Resource
Brian J. Cardott
Origin of Missourian and Virgilian Stratigraphic Sequences—Southern Midcontinent
Glenn S. Visher
Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry of a Production Trend Along the McPherson Anticline in Central Kansas, with Implications for Long-and Short-Distance Oil Migration
K. David Newell, Joseph R. Hatch
Petrophysical Analysis of Shaly Sandstones Using Integrated Wireline Log Interpretation
Han Li, Phebe Deyhim, Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Jim Puckette
Regional Stratigraphic Analysis of a Pennsylvanian Carbonate Shelf and Margin in Kansas
W. Lynn Watney, Ricardo A. Olea, John C. Davis
Reservoir Characterization of the Council Grove Group, Texas County, Oklahoma
Jeffrey F. Heyer
Revisiting Pennsylvanian Reservoir Architecture—Chitwood, Norge, and Northeast Verden Fields, Caddo and Grady Counties, Oklahoma
Howard White, Rodney Kirkland, Ed Glassman, George Schnerk
Springeran/Chesterian Relationships within the Anadarko Basin and Shelf of Northwestern Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle
Walter J. Hendrickson, John V. Hogan, Paul W. Smith, Charles E. Willey, Ronald J. Woods
Strike-Slip, Compressional Thrust-Fold Nature of the Nemaha System in Eastern Kansas and Oklahoma
S. Parker Gay Jr.
Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Anticlinal Structures and Their Geothermal Overprint in the Salina Basin, North-Central Kansas
D. F. Merriam, Andrea Forster
Tar Mat Formation within the Hitch Oil Field, Seward County, Kansas
Raymond P. Sorenson, Sean P. Kelly, Dane Cantwell