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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section of AAPG
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Background and Objectives of the Seminar
Kenneth H. Crandall
Biostratigraphy and Dolomite Porosity Trends of The Lisburne Group
Augustus K. Armstrong, Bernard L. Mamet
Depositional History of Northern Alaska
W. P. Brosge, I. L. Tailleur
John C. Reed
Arthur A. Curtice
James K. Trigger
William W. Patton Jr.
Philip B. King
S. W. Muller
Richard J. Wold
Robert Stoneley
Sankey L. Blanton
Herbert Mann
Irvin L. Tailleur
Fold Belts of Alaska and Siberia and Drift Between North America and Asia
Michael Churkin Jr.
Geologic Names in Use North of The Brooks Range, Alaska
Rudolph W. Kopf
Gravity and Other Regional Geophysical Data From Northern Alaska
David F. Barnes
History of Petroleum Exploration in Northern Alaska
George Gryc
Northeastern Brooks Range–A Surface Expression of the Prudhoe Bay Section
Hillard N. Reiser
North Slope Geographic Name Sources for Geologic Nomenclature
Donald J. Orth
Pre-Carboniferous Carbonate Rocks, Northeastern Alaska
J. Thomas Dutro Jr.
The Prudhoe Bay Field
F. K. Rickwood
Reconnaissance Geology of the Chukchi Sea as Determined by Acoustic and Magnetic Profiling
Arthur Grantz, S. C. Wolf, Lloyd Breslau, T. C. Johnson, W. F. Hanna
The Role of Survey Research
Richard P. Sheldon
The Sag River Sandstone and Kuparuk River Sands, Two Important Subsurface Units in the Prudhoe Bay Field
William C. Fackler, Ronald G. Brockway, Ronald C. Crane, Charles R. Harrison, Robert M. Hiles Jr., Marvin D. Mangus, Charles G. Mull, Forrest E. Nelson, William C. Penttila, Garnett H. Pessel, Robert Stoneley, Dwight L. Streeton, Irvin L. Tailleur
Sedimentary History of the Sadlerochit and Shublik Formations in Northeastern Alaska
Robert L. Detterman
Stratigraphic Nomenclature - Principles and Procedures
George V. Cohee
Tectonic History of Northern Alaska
I. L. Tailleur, W. P. Brosge
Thermal Considerations in Permafrost
Arthur H. Lachenbruch
Welcome to the North Slope Seminar
J. Douglas Traxler