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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Tulsa Geological Society

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3-D Exploitation of Oklahoma Anadarko Basin Gas Resources, Anadrako Basin, Western and Central Oklahoma: Abstract

Lawrence F. Lunardi

3-D Structural Interpretation: The Application of New Concepts and Techniques: Abstract

Shankar Mitra

An Alternative Interpretation of Linear Dipping Events on 2-D Seismic Data from the Wichita Mountains Frontal Zone: Abstract

Jan M. Dodson, Roger A. Young, Kevin J. Smart

Application of Petrophysical Principles to the 'Hunt' for Overlooked Carbonate Pay: Abstract

Dan J. Hartmann, Edward A. Beaumont

The Barnett Shale Play, Fort Worth Basin: Abstract

Kent A. Bowker

Being Your Own Technology Scout: Abstract

E. Lance Cole

Biochemical Treatment of Produced Water: Abstract

Mow Lin

Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soils: Effects of Biosolids Addition and Role of Carbon: Abstract

Dibyendu Sarkar, Rupali Datta, Michael Ferguson

The Central Oklahoma Carney District: A Unique Hunton Oil and Gas Play: Abstract

Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Kenneth Rechlin, David Chernicky

Characterization and Fracture Potential of the Viola Limestone, I-35 Road Cut, Carter County, Oklahoma: Abstract

Aisha R. Ragas, Roger M. Slatt, Douglas W. Jordan

Coalbed Methane: Economic Success in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma: Abstract

Brian J. Cardott, Matthew A. Biddick

Coalbed Methane: Smaller Operations and Economic Analysis Can Improve Potential Profit: Abstract

John H. Wendell

Collaborative, Web-Based Petroleum Reservoir and Play Characterization and Modeling in the Public Domain: Abstract

W. Lynn Watney, John Doveton, Geoffrey Bohling, John Victorine, Jayaprakash Pakalapati, Glen Gagnon, Saibal Bhattacharya, Alan Byrnes, Willard J. Guy, Ken Stadler, Melissa Moore, Kurt Look

Compaction Localization: Effects on Permeability and Reservoir Mechanics: Abstract

David J. Holcomb, William A. Olsson

Compositional Changes in Spilled Oil as a Consequence of Evaporative Losses: Abstract

Fathia Gomha, Colin Barker

Cores of Pennsylvanian Coal Sequences — Eastern Kansas: Abstract

Timothy R. Carr, K. David Newell, Jonathan P. Lange, Troy A. Johnson

Correlation of Selected Lower Cherokee Units in Northeast Oklahoma: Abstract

J. Glenn Cole, R. Vance Hall

Cromwell Sandstone Core Studies and Prediction of Reservoir Trends, Haskell County, Oklahoma: Abstract

Bryant Reasnor, Dennis Kerr

Data Mining for Subtle Traps: Abstract

Robert Ehrlich

Deepwater Lower Atoka Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Latimer County — New Findings and a Progress Report: Abstract

Dennis R. Kerr, Ron Havman, Ian Harris

A Deposition and Reservoir Model for the Prue Sandstone in the Southwest Oklahoma City Area and the Effect of Foam Fracturing on Unlocking Its Reserves: Abstract

John R. Broker, Les J. Broker, Thomas N. Capucille

Developing the Simon Creek Prospect in Carter County, Oklahoma

James L. Evans

Development of Unconventional Gas Prospects and Evaluation of Producing Using Geochemical Techniques: Abstract

Daniel M. Jarvie, Brenda L. Claxton, Mark H. Tobey

Dewatering as a Production Technique in a Dual Permeability Reservoir; West Carney Hunton Field, Lincoln and Logan Counties, Oklahoma: Abstract

Joe Podpechan, James R. Derby, Jason C. Andrews, Sandeep Ramakrishna

Discovery and Development of Prolific Reservoirs in the Geneva Dolomite Result from the Application of Advanced Technologies Along the Silurian Reef Trend in the Illinois Basin: Abstract

John Grube, Steven Gustison, Beverly Seyler

Distribution of Depositional Facies and Reservoir Properties from Middle Cretaceous Carbonates of the Cordoba Platform, Veracruz, Mexico: Abstract

Maria Los Angeles Rodriguez Hernandez, Patricia L. Ortiz Gomez, Cruz Bartolo Sanchez, David Sorrentino, Ricardo Hernandez Martinez, Richard A. Schatzinger

Dynamic Mapping of Kansas Oil and Gas Data with Spatial Data Engines and Internet Map Server: Abstract

Timothy R. Carr, Jeremy D. Bartley, Kurt Look, Kenneth Nelson, Dana Adkins-Heljeson

A Dynamic Model for the Permian Panhandle and Hugoton Fields, Western Anadarko Basin

Raymond P. Sorenson

Effect of Early Cementation on the Development of Secondary Porosity in Sandstones — Examples from the Cambrian of Illinois Basin: Abstract

Mojisola A. KunleDare

Evaluation of Modern Analogs for Large-Scale, Late-Paleozoic Paleoriver Systems: Abstract

Allen W. Archer

Evolution of Exploration, Drilling and Completion Concepts for Appalachian Basin's Trenton-Black River Play: Abstract

Douglas Patchen, Katharine Lee Avary

Exploration Strategies for Coal Bed Methane in the Western Region of the Interior Coal Province: Abstract

Steven A. Tedesco

Explore the Published Strike-Slip Faults: Abstract

Rudolph P. Wilkinson

Extracting Lithofacies from Digital Well Logs Using Artificial Intelligence, Panoma (Council Grove) Field, Hugoton Embayment, Southwest Kansas: Abstract

Martin Dubois, Geoffrey Bohling, Alan Byrnes, Shane Seals

Finger Printing of Trace and Rare Elements of the Niger Delta Oils: Abstract

Akinsehinwa Akinlua, Taiwo R. Ajayi

Fluid Inclusions in Petroleum Exploration and Field Development: Case Studies of Successful Application: Abstract

Don L. Hall, S. Michael Sterner, Wells Shentwu, M. Ashley Bigge

Fractures, In Situ Stress, and Production: Examples from the Mid-Continent of How Recent Advances Offer Improved Recovery: Abstract

William D. Rizer

Fracture Strikes in Lenticular Reservoirs: Axis-Parallel, Axis-Normal, or Independent? Considerations for Drilling and Drainage: Abstract

John C. Lorenz, Scott P. Cooper, William A. Olsson

Geochemical Characterization of Core Extracts and Oils in the Hitch and Etzold Fields: Abstract

Dongwon Kim, Paul Philp

Geochemical Exploration for Oil and Gas: New Life for an Old Technology: Abstract

Dietmar Schumacher

Geomechanical Model for Multiply-Oriented Conjugate Deformation Bands: Abstract

William A. Olsson, John C. Lorenz, Scott P. Cooper

Gulf of Mexico Produced Water: Characterization and Simulation: Abstract

Joanna McFarlane

High Efficiency Epithermal Neutron Detectors: Abstract

Mary Bliss, David V. Jordan, Howard Thesen, W. Karl Pitts, William A. Sliger, Michael A. Knopf, Lindsay C. Todd

Horizontals Making an Impact in Michigan: Abstract

William B. Harrison, Robb Gillespie

Hydrogeologic Insight in Identification and Characterization of Saltwater Contamination and Associated Environmental Impacts in Kansas and Oklahoma: Abstract

Donald O. Whittemore

Identification of Friable and Cemented Jackfork Sandstones in Southeastern Oklahoma: Abstract

Alison M. Garich, Roger M. Slatt

An Integrated Approach to Assessing Seismic Stimulation of Oil Reservoirs: DOE/Industry Cooperative Research: Abstract

Peter M. Roberts, Ernest L. Majer

Integrating Geologic and Hydrologic Information to Identify Coalbed Methane Sweet Spots in the Southern Raton Basin, New Mexico: Abstract

J. Matthew Herrin, Paul Basinski, John Lorenz, Scott P. Cooper, Christopher A. Rautman, Bill W. Arnold

Intellectual Property Rights for New Technologies in the Practice of Environmental Geoscience: Abstract

Wendy Buskop

Laser Rock Drilling for Oil and Gas Wells: Abstract

Claude B. Reed, Zhiyue Xu, Richard A. Parker, Brian C. Gahan, Samih Bartarseh, Ramona M. Graves, Humberto Figueroa, Wolfgang Deeg

Limestone and Dolomite Cores from the Hunton Formation, West Carney Field, Oklahoma: Abstract

Joe Podpechan, J. Derby, J. Andrews

Low-BTU Gas in the Permian Chase Group in the Ryersee Field in Western Kansas: A Case History Where Technology Creates a Marketable Commodity: Abstract

K. David Newell, Scott Corsair, Steve Chafin, Kent Pennybaker

The Microhole Technology Initiative: Abstract

James N. Albright, Donald S. Dreesen, James C. Thomson, Roy C. Long, Rhonda P. Lindsey

Mid-Continent Backfilled Valleys: Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogs: Abstract

Roderick Tillman

Mining Drill Stem Tests for Fluid Data: Abstract

John R. Forster

Multiple-Point Geostatistics: Integration of Geological Concepts with Numerical Data: Abstract

Yuhong Liu

Natural Fracture Control of Hydraulic Stimulations in the Carthage Cotton Valley Gas Field: Abstract

James Rutledge

The Nemaha and Other Strike-Slip Faults in the Midcontinent U.S.A.

William McBee Jr.

Origin and Distribution of Friable and Cemented Sandstones in Outcrops of the Pennsylvanian Jackfork Group, Southeast Oklahoma: Abstract

Tosan O. Omatsola, Roger M. Slatt

Outcrop and Seismic Analysis of Natural Fractures, Faults and Structure at Teapot Dome, Wyoming: Abstract

Scott P. Cooper, Bruce Hart, Laurel B. Goodwin, John Lorenz, Mark Milliken

Polyhistory Oils in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin: An Indicator of Remigration and Multiple Migration Events: Abstract

Harold Illich, John Zumberge, Stephen W. Brown

The Potato Hills Gas Field, Latimer and Pushmatahn Counties, Oklahoma: Abstract

Paul Denney

Proportional Integrated Evaluation: A Technique for Evaluating Multiple, Deltaic, Red Fork Sands in Competitive Reservoirs: Abstract

Robert F. Ehinger

Red Fork Sandstone of Oklahoma: Depositional History, Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Distribution: Abstract

Richard D. Fritz, Edward A. Beaumont, Larry D. Gerken

Regional Trends in Coalbed Gas Composition and Thermal Maturation in Eastern Kansas: Implications for Predicting Quality and Location of Coalbed Gas: Abstract

K. David Newell, L. Michael Magnuson

A Review of Coalbed Methane Operational Issues in the Cherokee Basin, Kansas and Oklahoma — A Case Study: Abstract

John Coates

The Role of Moldic Porosity in Paleozoic Kansas Reservoirs and the Association of Original Depositional Facies and Early Diagenesis with Reservoir Properties: Abstract

A. P. Byrnes, E. K. Franseen, W. L. Watney, M. K. Dubois

Should Soil Properties Be Considered in Assessing Human Health Risk Resulting from Exposure to Arsenic-Enriched Soils?: Abstract

Rupali Datta, Dibyendu Sarkar

Simultaneous Marine Transgression and Valley Incision in a High Accommodation Setting, Hanna Basin, Wyoming: Abstract

Anton F.-J. Wroblewski

Skinner Sandstone: Depositional History, Reservoir Distribution and Sequence Stratigraphy: Abstract

Jim Puckette, Larry D. Gerken

Sorting Out Bad Data; Data Mining with Recursive Partitioning: Abstract

Jeffrey M. Yarus

Spatial and Temporal Relations of Upper Pennsylvanian Black Shales in Kansas: Abstract

J. H. Doveton, Daniel F. Merriam, R. A. Olea

Spiro Equivalent Between the Windingstair and Ti Valley Faults: Implications for Correlation of the Atoka Formation in the Ouachita Fold-Thurst Belt: Abstract

Dennis R. Kerr

State Environmental Leadership and Regulatory Innovation: Abstract

Christine A. Hansen

Stimulating Arbuckle Production with New Technologies, Large Volume Polymer Gel Treatments and Solid Propellent GasGun Stimulation Treatments: Abstract

Rodney Reynolds

Stratigraphic Architecture and Processes Controlling Coeval Deltaic, Platform Carbonate, and Condensed Shelf Sedimentation, Upper Pennsylvanian, Leavenworth Limestone-Heebner Shale-Plattsmouth Limestone-Heumader Shale Minor Cyclothem, SE Kansas and NE Oklahoma

Wan Yang, Michael Bruemmer, Monica Turner-Williams

Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments, and Coalbed Methane Potential of Pennsylvanian Coals — Bourbon Arch Region, Eastern Kansas: Abstract

Troy A. Johnson, Jonathan P. Lange, Timothy R. Carr, K. David Newell

Stratigraphy, Timing and Rock Properties of Lower Skinner Valley Fill Sandstones: Abstract

William Aaron Siemers, James Puckette

Stratigraphy and Composition of Turbidite Deposits, Jackfork Group, Eastern Oklahoma: Abstract

Gloria A. Romero, Roger Slatt

Structural Geology of the Spiro Sandstone Reservoirs Along the Frontal Ouachitas-Arkoma Basin Transition Zone, Southeastern Oklahoma: Abstract

Ibrahim Cemen, Marline Collins, Justin Evans, Steve Hadaway, Syed Mehdi, Jeff Ronck, Kris McPhail, Ata Sagnak

Structural Geometry and Evaluation of Thrust Faulting in the Damon and Wilburton Quadrangles in Latimer County, Southeastern Oklahoma: Abstract

Marline R. Collins, Ibrahim Cemen

Structural Geometry of Thrust Faulting in the Hartshorne Area of Frontal Ouachitas, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma: Abstract

Steve Hadaway, Ibrahim Cemen

Structural Geometry of Thrust Faulting in the Potato Hills Area of the Ouachita Mountains, Southeastern Oklahoma: Abstract

Gultekin Kaya, Ibrahim Cemen

Structural Style of the Ardmore Basin: Abstract

Bryan Sralla

Tectonic Controls on the Remigratin of Hydrocarbons: Looking Beyond Nevada's Commercial Oil Seep Play: Abstract

Alan K. Chamberlain

Tidal Deposits of the Labette Shale and Peru Sandstone, Southwestern Rogers County, Oklahoma: Abstract

Scott Schad, Jeanette King, Robert Coleman, Dennis Kerr

Unconventional Drilling Methods for Unconventional Reservoirs: Abstract

Doug R. Wight

The Use of Iodine Surface Geochemistry to Define Pennsylvanian Sandstone Channels and Arbuckle Reservoirs in Eastern Kansas: Abstract

Steven A. Tedesco

Using Industry Applications Software for Analyzing Data to High Grade Acquisition and Drilling Prospects: Abstract

Mike Cherry

Wellbore Management Essential to Economic Success: Abstract

Bob Kiker

Well Integrity Assurance for Sub-Salt and Near-Salt Deepwater GoM Reservoirs: Abstract

J. T. Fredrich, D. D. Coblentz, A. F. Fossum, B. J. Thorne

Wells Drilled to Basement in Oklahoma: Abstract

Jock A. Campbell

When Oilfields Become Water Fields, the Saga of Small Producers in California: Abstract

Iraj Ershaghi

When Seismic Is Not Enough: Improving Success by Integrating High-Resolution Surface Geochemical Data with Seismic Data: Abstract

Daniel Hitzman, Dietmar Schumacher, Brooks Rountree