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Utah Geological Association

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Ages of the Fish Haven and Lowermost Laketown Dolomites in the Bear River Range, Utah

W. Britt Leatham

American Gilsonite: Mining Solid Hydrocarbon

Dan Jackson

Archeology of the Uinta Basin

Joel D. McNamara

Basement Thrusting in North-Central Utah: A Model for the Development of the Northern Utah Highland

Tad W. Schirmer

Brief History and Recent Developments in Tar Sand Deposits of Uinta Basin

Robert E. Covington, Kenneth J. Young

A Brief History of the Cache Valley Area, Northeastern Utah and Southeastern Idaho

Merle W. Wells

The Central Utah Project: Maximizing Utah’s Water Resource

Don R. Murphy

Chart Showing the Major Stratigraphic Units Used in Southeastern Idaho and Northern Utah

M. E. MacLachlan

Conodont Biostratigraphy and Depositional History of the Lower Triassic Dinwoody Formation in the Meade Plate, Southeastern Idaho

Rachel K. Paull, Richard A. Paull, Amy L. Anderson

Conodont Biostratigraphy of a Lodgepole Limestone Equivalent at Samaria Mountain, Southeastern Idaho

D. W. Wickwire, L. E. Davis, G. D. Webster

Deformation History and Displacement Transfer Between the Crawford and Meade Thrust Systems, Idaho-Wyoming Overthrust Belt

James P. Evans, John P. Craddock

Depositional Environments of Oil Shale in the Green River Formation, Douglas Creek Arch, Colorado and Utah

R. D. Cole

Depositional Paleoenvironments and Paleogeography of the Mississippian Lodgepole and Monroe Canyon Formations (and Equivalents), Southeastern Idaho

Peter E. Isaacson, E. A. Measures, S. A. Siegmann

Depositional Setting of Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary Currant Creek Formation, North-Central Utah

John S. Isby, M. Dane Picard

Depth and Timing of Decollement Extension, Southern Portneuf Range, Southeastern Idaho

Paul E. Sacks, Lucian B. Platt

Early Ordovician Eustatic Sea-Level Changes in Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho

Michael E. Taylor, John E. Repetski

Economic Perspective on the Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project

Jon R. Miller

Geologic Features of Lakes

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High Jr.

Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies of Northeastern Utah

James T. Smith, Kenneth L. Cook

Geologic Summary of the Crawford Mountains, Rich County, Utah, and Lincoln County, Wyoming

James L. Baer

Geology and Energy Resources, Uinta Basin of Utah; Frontmatter

M. Dane Picard

Geology and Gold Mineralization of the South Pass Granite-Greenstone Terrain, Western Wyoming (With a Discussion on Supracrustal Rocks of the Wyoming Province of Eastern Idaho, Northern Utah and Wyoming)

W. Dan Hausel

Geology and Petrology of the Cub River Diabase, a Late Pliocene Differentiated Mafic Intrusion, Northeastern Cache Valley, Idaho

Michael B. Winter

Geophysical Interpretations East of Preston, Idaho, Based on Gravity and Magnetic Data

Steven R. Scheu

Hinterland Structure, Paleozoic Stratigraphy and Duplexes of the Willard Thrust System: Bannock, Wellsville and Wasatch Ranges, Southeastern Idaho and Northern Utah: Road Logs

P. K. Link, S. R. Crook, T. C. Chidsey Jr.

Hot Water from the Ashley Valley Oil Field

Harry D. Goode

Hypotheses of Oil-Shale Genesis, Green River Formation, Northeast Utah, Northwest Colorado, and Southwest Wyoming

M. Dane Picard

Identification of Lacustrine Rocks

Lee R. High Jr., M. Dane Picard

Karst Hydrology of the South Slope of the Uinta Mountains, Utah

Andrew E. Godfrey

LETC Tar Sand Research—North Asphalt Ridge

N. W. Merriam, L. J. Fahy

Lower Green River Formation in the Pleasant Valley Producing Area, Duchesne and Uintah Counties, Utah

J. A. Colburn, S. R. Bereskin, D. C. McGinley, D. M. Schiller

Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Uinta Basin, Northeast Utah

Kadir Uygur, M. Dane Picard

Mineralization in the Fort Hall Mining District, Bannock County, Idaho

Robert S. Darling

Oil and Gas Production Summary of the Uinta Basin

Keith Clem

Oil Shale Development, Uinta Basin

James A. Wood

Orogenic Patterns and Stratigraphy of North-Central Utah and Southeastern Idaho:Field Conference of the Utah Geological Association (September 25, 26 and 27, 1985), Road Logs

Paul Karl Link, Stephen R. Crook, Thomas C. Chidsey Jr.

Orogenic Patterns and Stratigraphy of North-Central Utah and Southeastern Idaho; Frontmatter

Gloria J. Kerns, Raymond L. Kerns Jr.

Phosphate in the Uinta Basin, Northeast Utah

Leonard J. Garrand

Preliminary Notes on the Paleozoic Stratigraphy and Structural Geology of the Honeyville Quadrangle, Northern Wellsville Mountain, Utah

Charles G. Oviatt

Quaternary Faulting on Towanta Flat, Northwestern Uinta Basin, Utah

Alan R. Nelson, Rod R. Weisser

Reservoir Sandstone Patterns, Green River Formation, Duck Creek Oil Field, Uintah County, Utah

John C. Osmond

The Rise and Fall of the Uintah Valley Indian Reservation: Perception and Policy

George P. Malanson

Rivers of Energy: Utilizing the Uinta Basin’s Water Resources

Galen W. Williams

The Saline Facies of the Upper Part of the Green River Formation Near Duchesne, Utah

John R. Dyni, Charles Milton, William B. Cashion Jr.

Salt Detachments in the Jurassic Preuss Redbeds Within the Meade and Crawford Thrust Systems, Idaho and Wyoming

James C. Coogan, W. Adolph Yonkee

Sedimentology of Great Salt Lake

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High Jr.

Seismic and Magnetotellurics Combined, A Case History of the South Clay Basin Prospect

Ernest Berkman, Arnold Orange, Roger D. Smith

The South Crawford Mountain Prospect, Rich County, Utah: A Case History

Valen D. Ott, Eric C. Potter, Kenneth R. Kreckel

Stratigraphic Sequence, Depositional Environments, and Sandstone Types, Western Uinta Mountains and Uinta Basin

M. Dane Picard

Structural Ancestry of the Uinta Mountains

Bruce Bryant

Structural Features Within A Segment of the Crawford Thrust Sheet, Raymond Canyon, Sublette Range, Lincoln County, Wyoming

William A. Shoemaker

Structural Geology Between the Putnam Thrust and the Snake River Plain, Southeastern Idaho

Paul Karl Link, G. B. LeFebre, K. R. Pogue, W. D. Burgel

Structure and Stratigraphy of the Paris and Meade Thrust Plates and Transition to the Basin and Range Province: Bear River, Preuss and Bannock Ranges, Southeastern Idaho: Road Logs

S. R. Crook, P. K. Link, T. C. Chidsey Jr.

Summary of Oil and Gas Activity in Northeastern Utah and Southeastern Idaho

Keith Clem, Karl W. Brown

Tectonic Setting and Petrography of Jurassic Foreland Basin Sandstones, Idaho-Wyoming-Utah

Teresa E. Jordan

Triassic Remagnetization of Lower Paleozoic Rocks, Bear River Range, Utah-Idaho: A Possible Constraint on Thermal History

Stephen L. Gillett, Michael E. Taylor

The Uintah Railway

William L. Chenoweth

Water-Level and Water-Quality Changes in Great Salt Lake, Utah 1843-1985

Ted Arnow

Water Budget and Ground-Water Occurrence in the Uinta Basin of Utah

Walter F. Holmes

The Whiterocks Tar Sand Deposit

Parley R. Peterson

Wyoming Trona in 1985

Ray E. Harris