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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Channelized and Unconfined Lower Spraberry Turbidites of the Reo (Jo Mill) Field, Midland Basin, West Texas
Anthony E. D’Agostino, J. P. F. (Pat) Welch
Depositional Facies and Diagenesis of Hydrocarbon Bearing Wolfcampian Carbonate Gravity Flow Deposits, Howard Glasscock Field, Midland Basin, Howard County, Texas
J. L. Beall, W. A. Morgan, Susan W. Young
Depositional Facies and Porosity Development of an Upper Pennsylvanian Algal Mound Reservoir, South Dagger Draw, Eddy County, New Mexico
Denise M. Cox, Lisë Brinton, Scott W. Tinker
Formation and Evolution of Steep Marginal Slope Deposits in the Bahamas: Insight into the Reservoir Potential and Distribution of Slope Deposits in the Permian Basin
G. Michael Grammer
Front Matter: Cored Reservoir Examples From Upper Pennsylvanian & Lower Permian Carbonate Margins, Slopes And Basinal Sandstones: West Texas Geological Society 1998 Fall Core Workshop
Keith E. Winfree, Emily L. Stoudt
Insights into Reservoir Architecture and Play Concepts from Analysis of an Outcropping Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Shelf and Shelf Margin: Pennsylvanian-Permian Snaky Canyon Formation, Central Idaho
Matthew L. Tremblay, Eugene C. Rankey
Lithology, Depositional Facies, and Diagenesis of a Lower Leonardian Periplatform Limestone: Indian Wells #17-4 Schlinke, Irion County, Texas
S. J. Mazzullo
Lower Cisco (Pennsylvanian-Virgilian) Paleokarst Wolf Flat Field, Northeast Shelf, Palo Duro Basin, Texas
R. C. Trentham, R. F. Lindsay, D. D. Pack
Productive Carbonate Debris Flows (Resedimented Carbonates) from Leonardian Deposits of the Eastern Midland Basin, Glasscock County, Texas
Emily L. Stoudt