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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Abstract: An Integrated Study of the Grayburg/San Andres Reservoir, Foster and South Cowden Fields, Ector County, Texas
Robert C. Trentham, James J. Reeves, David A. Rowland, W. Hoxie Smith
Abstract: Flow Unit Modeling of a Heterogeneous Shallow Shelf Carbonate Reservoir (Clear Fork/Glorieta), North Robertson Unit, Gaines County, Texas
Richard K. Vessell, David K. Davies, Michael B. Clark
Abstract: Interwell Seismic Logging for Reservoir Continuity at the Gypsy Test Site, Oklahoma
Hughbert Collier, Jorge O. Parra, Brian J. Zook
Abstract: Strontium Isotope Chemostratigraphy: A Tool for Refining the Stratigraphic Framework of the Permian Basin
Stephen C. Ruppel, Eric W. James
Back to the Rocks - Tips on Identifying Rock Type and Environment from Binocular Examination of San Andres Dolomite Cuttings Using Transmitted, Polarized Light
Stewart Chuber, Jerry S. Kier
Clay Mineralogy And Reservoir Implications Within The Pennsylvanian Cross Cut Sandstone: TWP Field, Runnels County, West Central Texas
S. K. Henderson
Computerized Old E-Log Analysis of the Pennsylvanian Cross Cut Sandstone in the TWP and Busher Fields, Runnels County, Texas
G. B. Asquith, S. K. Henderson
Computer Simulation of the Yates Formation (Permian, Delaware Basin) - Sequence Stratigraphy and Shelf-to-Basin Correlation Implications
James M. Borer, Paul M. Harris
Diagenesis of Ozona Canyon Fracture Fills: Implications for Potential Fractured Reservoirs in the Ozona Gas Play, Val Verde Basin, West Texas
Tucker F. Hentz
Eastern Shelf Exploration Yields to Multiple Techniques
Mike Verseckes, Gaylon E. Wilson
Front Matter: In Search of New Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Using Today’s Technologies and Tomorrow’s Ideas for Exploration, Development, and 3D Seismic in a Mature Basin
Robert L. Martin
Past, Present, and Future Applications of 3D Seismic in the Permian Basin
James E. Geitgey, Paul R. Barwis
The Recognition of Possible Oil and Water Wettability Changes in the Permian Delaware Mountain Group Sandstones from Petrophysical Well Logs
G. B. Asquith, M. D. Thomerson, M. D. Arnold
Stable Isotopic Evidence of Vertical Hydrocarbon Microseepage, Little Buffalo Basin Oil Field, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
Bobby H. Bammel, C. Page Chamberlain, Richard W. Birnie
Stratigraphic Analysis of 3D and 2D Seismic Data to Delineate Porous Carbonate Debris Flows in Permian Strata along the Northwestern and Eastern Margins of the Midland Basin
Jory A. Pacht, Larry Brooks, Frank Messa
A Technique for Identifying Hydrocarbons Using “Old Electric Logs” and Contemporary Sonic Logs
Lee Sanders
Use of Computers to Perform Old Log Analysis
Damian G. Barrett