Figure 9. Typical pore occurrence types and throat types in studied tight sandstone. (A) Plane-polarized light (PPL) image showing intergranular pore, shrunken pore, and sheet-shaped throat (EYU28, nitrogen permeability [kg] = 0.130 md, porosity [φ] = 11.75%). (B) A PPL image showing intergranular pore and bent-sheet-shaped throat (EY38, kg = 0.105 md, φ = 8.38%). (C) A PPL image showing feldspar dissolution pore and neck-shaped throat (EYU28, kg = 0.130 md, φ = 11.75%). (D) A PPL image showing intergranular dissolution pore (EH20, kg = 0.111 md, φ = 9.36%). (E) A PPL image showing lithic intragranular dissolution pore (EH20, kg = 0.111 md, φ = 9.36%). (F) A PPL image showing intercrystalline pore (EH21, kg = 0.101 md, φ = 9.45%). K = kaolinite.